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Door Detail for Deep Insulation Sliding Door Install

Dan Nospa| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

I was wondering if anyone had a detail drawing for a sliding deep insulation install. I see a lot of window outie photos and videos, but nothing on the door and how to frame them.

Currently framing a 2 x 4 wall with a sliding a door. Outside wall will have 1/2 plywood, 1.5″ of eps, 3/4 furring strips and siding. So am looking to install the sliding door 2.25″ further out then normal.

For the windows I have been using the “dudley boxes” and new flanged windows. The sliding door also has flanges.

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  1. Paul Kuenn||#1

    As a sliding patio style door is already an energy penalty, Most just rip 2x4s and frame it out that 2& 1/4" for good solid support. I prefer to use 1/2" polyiso then screw (structural screws like Simpson) the 2x4 over that as a thermal break. You will feel it's very secure and the weight of the door is really split between internal and external frame.

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