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Double stud exterior wall insulation

Brandon S| Posted inGeneral Questionson


I’m renovating a home in climate zone 6B. We are recycling as much building material as possible. The exterior walls are 2×4 with 2″ mineral wool batts. I have a lot of 3″ fiberglass batts from the ceilings that we removed. Is it okay to compress the 3″ fiberglass and 2″ mineral wool into the 2×4 stud bay? I know compression is okay but I don’t know if the double kraft paper has an adverse effect.

这个计划是将面临eps或iso (1 - 2″) with seams taped as the inner wall air barrier. Then frame a 2×3 or 2×4 wall with batt insulation as the interior wall.


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  1. Jason S.||#1

    If the black facer on the mineral wool is in fact asphalt-saturated kraft (?) you should be fine. Kraft won't trap moisture.

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