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Drywall adhesive, use or no

Jim Wright| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Is it a good idea to use drywall adhesive on the ceiling drywall ?
On the wall drywall ?

I am trying to decide if I should go to the trouble of using drywall adhesive. It appears not to be used much around this area, if at all (Western Arkansas). The hardware and box stores don’t even seem to carry it.

I was thinking about using it on my ceiling and exterior walls because they are constructed from rough cut lumber and the surface, or course, is not going to be nearly as even as if I had used milled lumber.

Someone told me to just use a few extra screws than typical and don’t worry about it. But I was wondering if it greatly added to the strength of the attachment.

Under what conditions is it advisable to use drywall adhesive, and when is it pretty much just a waste of time and money ?


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  1. David Meiland||#1

    I think that gluing drywall is a great idea, but I don't see it functioning as shims to bridge uneven framing surfaces. We use cardboard strips for that (they are sold at the lumberyard for this purpose). Don't the yards around you have 30-ounce cartridges of construction or panel adhesive?

  2. Roger Anthony||#2

    I would only use drywall adhesive when attaching drywall to a brick or stone wall.
    Even then (given the chance) I would prefer to use wet plaster.

  3. Matthew Amann||#3

    Drywall adhesive is a superior way to go. You can fasten it less as well, which lessens the chance of nail and screw heads popping, especially with green lumber

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