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  1. Garth Sproule||#1

    I have no knowledge or experience of their products, but after seeing their claims for an R20 window, we must be impressed with their ability to change the laws of physics....

    1. lesse||#5

      Have a look at the following article before you use ECO Insulating Glass Inc. with HEAT MIRROR.

  2. Lucas Durand - 7A||#2

    That's what I was wondering... Does a suspended film in a double pane unit replicate the performance of a triple-pane unit? Are these claims realistic?

  3. John Semmelhack||#3

    R-20 window, not yet, but R-20 glazing, yes. For instance, Serious Windows offers R-20 glazing using two panes of glass with three suspended films. There's a downside, though. The resultant SHGC and VT are incredibly low.

  4. lesse||#4

    We bought IG from ECO Insulating glass Inc, In total 193 units QUAD SC75 with Heat Mirror film and filled with krypton in April 2009. 8 of them imploded and the rest is concave and will sooner or later also implode. Ecoglass have used the wrong sealant but does not want to take responsibility for their mistake.

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