I recently ordered and installed Ecodrain’s V1000 and have been quite impressed with it. It’s near the top of the CSA B55.1 list for highest efficiency and the price is quite reasonable:
vt1000-3-36 .........469美元
vt1000-3-48 .........。$ 524-My Model
VT1000-3-60 .........564美元
VT1000-3-72 ………. $614
4-inch diameter models:
VT1000-4-36 ………. $549
VT1000-4-48 ………. $644
VT1000-4-60 ………. $714
vt1000-4-72 ..........794美元
*prices will obviously change over time, shipping was included on my order.
Installation was a breeze and the company had good communication throughout the ordering process. It cannot be ordered online through a checkout so you must contact the company and go through Paypal.
I have no relation to Ecodrain and have nothing to gain from posting. I just found very little info on this company and wanted to add this to the web of info that is GBA Q&A.
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

Thanks. Longtime readers of GBA will remember Marc Rosenbaum's review of an innovative product from Ecodrain -- a horizontal drainwater heat recovery device. Here is a link:排水水热量恢复来自年龄。
ecodrain现在生产垂直排水热回收装置很有趣。这是他们网站的链接:ecodrain v1000.。
Thanks again to you (in Musings, including your book) and Dana Dorsett (from a previous thread) for turning me on to them.
The emissivity of bare copper is VERY low compared to most construction materials, so the temperature numbers reported by the camera is probably off by quite a bit. With the pseudocolor temperatures the picture would imply that the temperature of the drain pipe below the heat exchanger is as hot as the section of drain above the heat exchanger.
我很确定你在底部放在底部的底部到寒冷的寒冷中的饮用水超过8F的升高。VT1000 3-48在标准测试条件下具有优于50%的热量回收。
If the plumbing is PEX or PVC (and it looks like that is probably the case), the relevant temperature spots to track would be the pipe near the connections. For copper plumbing, a spot of spray paint or a quick wrap of hockey tape at the incoming and outgoing pipes & drains would allow you to get reasonable temperature measurements out of a pistol-grip type IR thermometer or IR camera.
I definitely noticed the stark color contrast, and wondered what temperatures the FLIR would report if zoomed in on the parallel cold & tepid water pipes!
The FLIR shows 58 for the cold and 64 for the warm in the post image software (I have a Cat S60 phone integrated with FLIR). That is residual heat though, since the image was taken after the shower. I'll try to get a better reading next time my partner takes a shower :)
Ecodrain V1000系列非常有趣。它们更便宜,流量损失较少,比目前市场上的更有效(长度长度)。它们使用并联操作的多个管以保持头部损耗低,湍流器保持水井混合,所以层流量不会减少三角洲T.
Good to see these are finally available. I spoke with the company nearly a year ago and they weren't ready to supply product at that time.
Lance Peters
对于那些好奇的人,效率为50%,它会节省约85美元,假设你每天跑100加仑100加仑。(Therm Gas 0.63美元,85%的效率加热器)。显然,如果您有一个非冷凝水加热器,则节省了更多的资金。对我来说,这是一个7年的回报,假设水管工不希望安装财富。还在围栏上。主要是因为我需要一个铸铁堆栈来保持声音在那个位置,而且我不知道声音减小的声音有多好(应该至少在淋浴时跑步时,很多大量的)。
My basement-installed 4" x 48" DWHR unit was cut into cast-iron drain at the top, with plastic drain out at the bottom shortly before it disappears under the slab. It did not noticeably increase (or decrease) drain noise levels.
我提供的能量成本超过2倍,但我的热水使用不到一半。我不是太关心的是“回报”,因为我的激励力量是用系统上的尺寸燃烧器改善淋浴性能。由于DWHR单元锅炉即使在连续淋浴间,也不会调制超过〜60,000 BTU / HR,即使所有呼叫热量的加热区也不会耗尽淋浴温水。(没有它,这不是这种情况!)
Single shower right now, slab on grade house. Stack is in a bedroom closet (plumber could not be bothered to go one wall over to the laundry room 6" wall), so no plastic allowed at all.
顺便说一句这个产品只有是有道理的,如果你对with a thermostatically controlled shower valve, where you can set the output temperature. Without one of those, you are in danger of just taking a progressively hotter shower. Then payback is basically never, unless you are prone to reducing shower temperature mid way through a shower. Most people would basically get used to the gradual increase in temp without adjusting the dial.