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Floating slab with frost walls — Plumbing and floor framing

Potter Shaw| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

We are doing a relatively large expansion. of a small studio space. A much earlier constructed garage/shed to which the studio space was added on to has been removed. We are using an insulated pad with frostwalls. The expansion will include all plumbing. Due to unavailability of a plumber and concerns over the lack of flexibility of cast in place plumbing, we have decided to frame the 4 x 12 foot portion of the pad.
My question is how to insulate the portion of frostwall that is where the framed floor will be? We are using 3″ eps under the poured pad and on the inside of the frostwalls. We can’t .do that where the ledger is attached to the frostwall. I plan on insulating between joists, of course, but i’m concerned mostly about the area of transition on the frostwalls. We are located Mid-coast Maine. Thanks, Potter

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I'm having a hard time visualizing this. Is the 4x12 area (presumably, a bath or kitchen) within a larger building? If so, how will you handle the transition between the slab portion of the building and the rectangle with a framed floor?

    Do you intend to jog the frost walls to follow the jog of the 4x12 room? And then create a crawl space under the 4x12 room?

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