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陈乔伊|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

您的FHB 2015年11月的文章包含了一个密封窗口安装的图形。窗台的绘图显示了将泡沫密封剂扩展到后坝外部的珠子。密封胶不会阻止任何水从后坝鼓励到外面的水流到外面?

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  1. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#1

    首先,我的文章在这个问题精细的家庭建筑物中是关于炉子,而不是窗口安装。也许你正在考虑Brian Knight的文章 - 标题为“防风雨窗口”的人?

    It would be better for Brian Knight to answer any questions about that article. Here's my understanding of the recommended detail (reproduced below): any water drains onto the exterior side of the WRB (usually plastic housewrap) installed on the exterior side of the wall sheathing. While the siding is nailed to this WRB, the moisture is still able to dribble down and escape, usually by evaporation.

  2. 陈乔伊||#2

    你能把我的问题传递给Brian Knight吗?我的问题是关于后坝外面所示的泡沫密封剂。你的绘画是不同的。

  3. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#3

    我已经向Brian Knight发了一封电子邮件,并通过链接到此Q&A线程,要求他发表评论。

  4. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#4

    Installing expanding foam on the interior side of the window is a fairly standard air-sealing technique. It is unlikely that any liquid water will reach the area between the back dam and the air-sealing foam, but if it does, the moisture is likely to evaporate before it causes any problems. The flashing on the rough sill prevents any liquid water from entering the wall cavity.

  5. Eric Habegger||#5

    陈,perhaps you already know this. There is one important detail that needs to be observed. When dealing with a flanged window, which is mostly what is used in North America, then one needs to allow a gap in the caulking of the flange on the bottom portion of the window to the membrane flashing. In spite of every effort to make the water stay on the exterior, which is correctly shown on Martin's graphic, one still needs to allow any water that inadvertently eludes all that effort to drain harmless away. That caulking gap, usually a 3" gap on either end of the lower flange between the lower flange and the membrane, allows that water to escape.

  6. 布莱恩骑士||#6


    我首选的后纸张方法将使用带杆或柔性泡沫,如图所示Mike Guertin FHB窗台闪烁视频。Still, the details in that video and most residential backdam methods I see, don't meet the heights called for in ASTM 2012, which is a confusing detail as backdam heights are allowed to be reduced with proper airsealing. In my opinion, establishing slope on the rough sill and being thorough with airsealing to the interior, is more important that backdams for most common residential window installations.


    这里是FHB window installation video这显示了文章中讨论的字段详细信息。


    It could be you are referring to the blue sealant that's better described there as caulked siding. Siding is not waterproof, and it's important to caulk those areas to keep bulk water from running behind the siding. Window units are rarely waterproof and leak more over time. That's why builders are including these sill flashing details to capture water leaks and redirect them to the exterior.




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