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Geothermal/mini split combination

Carl Seville| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Has anyone installed mini split heat units tied into a geothermal heat pump system?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    As I understand it, a mini-split is an air-source heat pump. The outdoor unit is connected by insulated copper tubing containing refrigerant to an indoor unit (or several indoor units). Each indoor unit is basically a fan-coil unit — in essence, the same as a hydronic kickspace heater, although ciruclating a different fluid.

    What part of this equipment do you want to tie in to a ground-source heat pump — just the indoor unit, I guess? In other words, you want to couple a small fan-coil unit designed to circulate refrigerant with a ground-source heat pump, instead of connecting the GSHP to a whole-house air handler?

  2. Expert Member
    Carl Seville||#2

    You got it. I have heard some rumors about this type of system and want to see if I can make it work in my new house.

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