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Finding Experts to Execute Your Design

Sabotcat.| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

Hey all,
first thanks for all the help and guidance so far. A quick overview. I sketched out a home for the High Desert (92268… climate zone 3). Our temps fluctuate from the mid twenties to over 100 winter to summer. I passed my sketches on to an Designer with years of experience in the desert but I’m finding that without an architect, there’s no one in the system who can give me guidance on the specific construction details…I’m trying to build at least to a “Pretty Good House” standard. Martin’s book and Building Science Fight Club have been hugely inspiring. But when it comes time for pen to meet paper in a way the county will approve…I seem to be at a loss.

The designer has no experience with anything beyond minimum code requirements. The first SE I approached refused to call be back because I was asking for 24″ OC framing and the SE we settled on, while every energy conscious, is also very specific that they do not spend any time on details.

So my question is, how/where/who does one find someone who can intelligently react to requests for external insulation (called “overkill” by a potential builder on our last cabin) window details, etc. And ultimately provide drawings and strategy…I’m even working with some excellent Energy consultants who sized mini-splits, helped with make-up air on the Kitchen and all that stuff…but don’t think about specifying backer rod on windows, which I’d love to see in the plans I had to a builder.




但最终,有设计师/半径标注的SOPftsman without Green Building knowledge, to weave details into plans? Where and when and how.


thanks for any answers or insight.

GBA Prime.

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  1. 删除了||#1


    1. Sabotcat.||#4


  2. 专家成员


    I can tell you that exterior rigid foam is NOT overkill -- it's a actually a very good way to greatly improve the thermal performance of a typical studwall since it eliminates the issue of thermal bridging (which is the main advantage of CONTINUOUS insulation after all).

    交易中许多有很大问题是他们想做他们总是做的事情。你会得到很多“嗯,那很好,但我们总是这样做”那种反应。有很大的变化抵抗力,并非所有这些都完全没有根据 - 没有承包商希望负责第一次尝试的“新”的失败。你会发现GBA的人更愿意尝试新事物,因为大部分使用都在这里试图推动信封和eek我们可以的最后一点性能。一些使用(如我),希望尽可能地最大限度地提高一切的效率。其他人想使用他们可以找到的绿色材料,即使它们是不寻常的材料。毕竟有许多不同的方面是“绿色”建筑:-)



    1. Sabotcat.||#5


    2. Richard McGrath||#6


    3. ddbear.||#7

      Good tip, and where would one start looking for energy raters in their area? I have a similar question as the original poster.

  3. AlexPoi||#8

    Frankly, in the current economic environment, it's almost impossible to find. Builders can pick the projects they want to work on at the moment so unless you have a ton of money to spend on this project, you'll have a hard time finding a local builder willing to work on a "risky" project. Your best bet is probably to buy from a panelized builder like Bensonwood or build the frame yourself and hire out the rest.


  4. Danny Gough||#9




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