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地源冷却 - 没有热泵?

Kurt Kiley| Posted inGBA Pro Helpon


My requirements may be unconventional as well, as I am interested in comfort, more that cooling, and a solution I am interested in needs to minimize its affect on the original fabric of our 1928 brick Colonial. Which I will explain.



The house is almost always cooler inside. Normally the house won’t exceed 78 degrees throughout the day during the summer. The house does a fantastic job of absorbing the heat during the day and releasing it during the night.

Until the 95+ day/night heat waves hit. Without the cool nights, after a couple days the home loses its capacity to cool off. We live in NJ in a NYC Suburb.

We are not interested in the cost/intrusion of central air, window units are out because of the negative visual impact to the home, and mini-splits are out as well for the internal visual impact.


My idea is to use a whole house dehumidifier to lower the humidity in the home when needed, this should improve comfort. And to use water cooled air handlers which I can install in the attic above the bedrooms to exchange and cool the air there. I expect I can run the cool water piping in the 2×4 walls and insulate them in the space. This will minimize the impact to the fabric of the home, and can be accomplished during other renovations.

The unconventional part of this is the method of chilling the water. I want to use a 500+ gallon (whatever is required) underground cistern to store and allow the ground to cool the water over time. The cost of deep drilling a heat exchanger puts that aproach out of reach, I don’t think we have enough space in our back yard to lay out loops. The idea is to have a large volume of water that can absorb the heat and return it to the ground during the day when we are not using the system. I borrowed this idea from the electric companies that installed large water tanks in customer homes, heated them during the evening for heating during the day to time shift the electricity usage.

I think this could work. The ground temperature of 57 is higher than normally used, but I think would still be effective. I think the trick is to size the cistern effectively.

And again, the important part is improving comfort, not necessarily lowering the temperature of the home to a specific number. Dehumidifying and cooling the air in the bedroom may be enough to make sleeping during the heat waves possible without waking up in a pool of sweat.

So what could I be missing ? What may trip me up if I try this out ? What haven’t I thought of and should consider ?



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  1. GBA Editor

    There are a lot of possible reasons why this isn't a great idea, but I'll focus on one: Your idea would cost thousands of dollars to implement. You can get a window-mounted air conditioner for your bedroom for $200 or $300.

  2. Jon R||#2


  3. Kurt Kiley||#3





  4. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    To have any reasonable cooling efficiency you need at least a 20F difference between the water temperature an the air temperature in the room you are trying to cool (30F would be much better.) With 57F water the efficiency will be pretty good for a 90F room, but much diminished for an 80F room. Below 77F the power used by the blower motor becomes a larger fraction of the heat you need to remove.

    Note: A smaller sized window-shaker AC unit is about 5000 BTU/hr.

    The painfully simple math:

    500 gallons of water weighs about 4200 lb.

    Putting 1 BTU of heat into 1lbs of water raises it's temperature 1F.

    By the time you've been running a hydronic cooling coil at 4200 BTU/hr (about the capacity of a tiny window unit) for a couple of hours, the 57F water in your 500 gallon buffer will have risen in temperature by 2F to 59F. By the time you've run it 4 hours it would be over 60F. It doesn't take many days of heat wave use (even when used sparingly) to raise the water temperature to a uselessly high number. After 20 hours it would not even very efficient at cooling the room to even 90F.

    Over a five day heat wave, four or five hours per day... you're toast. In a day, three at most, you'd just be heating up the rooms with the power consumed in the blower motors. Maybe if you started out with a 50,000 gallon tank you would have enough cooling capacity to keep it under 80F through a single heat wave, but seriously, heat pumps are the only viable solution.

    In order for hydronic cooling systems to work you need some means of cooling the water in the buffer tank, which is why chillers were invented. With a small air source 2-ton chiller like the Chilltrix & a 50 gallon buffer tank can do a lot, but it has most of the same aesthetic issues of mini-splits.

    You could site a mini-split compressor or chiller a few yards away from the house visually shielded by shrubbery, and trench the lines below grade to a basement buffer tank or ducted mini-split cassette, but that increases the installation costs considerably.

  5. 查理Sullivan||#5

    Dana's math on the underground tank shows the limitations of that approach.

    I grew up in a NJ house that was cooled by a whole house fan at night, and kept cool by the shade of big trees. It now has central air conditioning, because the humidity starting causing mold and mildew inside.

    So I understand the focus on dehumidification as the primary task. However, the hardware in a dehumidifier is the same as an air conditioner, with the difference being that the dehumidifier heats the air after cooling it to drop the moisture out, whereas the A/C leaves it cold. So it doesn't make much sense to use a conventional dehumidifier unless the temperature in the room is already cooler than you want.

    这样让我的乔恩·R的耳朵lier answer: A ducted mini-split, or perhaps a Chiltrix system. For example, you could mount the ducted mini-split head in the top of a closet, and run ducts a foot or two from it through walls to each of the rooms that adjoins the closet. Unfortunately, I don't know of anyone who makes the equivalent of a ducted mini-split heat for the chiltrix system, even thought that would seem like a versatile component to have in the system.

  6. Kurt Kiley||#6



    I am guessing from your numbers the ability of the tank to transfer the heat into the ground is going to be overwhelmed by the heat being deposited in it ? If that is the case then you have identified the choke point in my plan, and I would be back to some sort of ground loop system to cool the water that is in the tank. Which may not need to be as large if I use the tank as a buffer and can spread the cooling over time. But still adds cost I was looking to avoid.




    Thank you for the advice.


  7. GBA Editor

    You've been given good advice and analysis by Dana Dorsett and Charlie Sullivan.

    The basic problem with ideas like yours -- using ground loops or buried tanks to temper indoor air temperatures -- is that the value of the heat gathered (or the "coolth" gathered) is too low to justify the high cost of the equipment installation. In many cases, the cost to operate pumps and blowers is also higher than the value of the gathered energy.

    您可能有兴趣阅读我对用于锻炼流过HRV的空气的地面环的分析:使用乙二醇地环通风空气. The best data I was able to gather showed that this type of system has a payback period of 4,400 years.

  8. D Dorsett||#8

    "...the ability of the tank to transfer the heat into the ground is going to be overwhelmed by the heat being deposited in it ? "

    Yes. It's all about the RATE of heat transfer between the tank and soil, which isn't nearly high enough.


    Unless you're planning to heat with it as well, even a small chiller like the Chilltrix + buffer tank would be an outlandishly expensive way to go, but it would allow you to micro-zone the place for both heating & cooling. A ducted mini-split would likely be half the installed cost (assuming you have somewhere to run an interior duct chase from a basement-mounted mini-duct cassette to the upper floor), and that too could see dual-use for heating, but you won't be able to micro-zone it.

  9. Curt友善||#9

    即使您以某种方式管理被动地创建水源或空气冷却,即将到来,70年代中期,您可以脱离除湿。舒适性的足够的水分除尘取决于将供应空气温度降低约20×F以下所需室温。我们通常设计为提供55 ^ F空气至75 * f空间。

    使用冷却水来实现该结果意味着冷冻供水需要为45 * F或其。

    既然你愿意要牺牲一个中央除湿机的费用和加重,但是你厌恶经典管道中央空气系统的想法,为什么不分裂差异并使用低静态管道迷你迷你?我们部署了Mitsubishi Suz / Sez Combo,用于紧凑的地板计划,需要在1.5吨加热和冷却下。


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