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katie nunez.|发布了General Questions


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  1. Dan Kolbert||#1


  2. Flitch Plate||#2

    使用纤维素安装,两个测试用于计算它是否正确 - 并且应该在安装期间进行实时质量控制 - 您仍然可以执行它们:
    - 红外线摄像头,以便视觉检查寒冷的斑点和应用的一致性。如果安装程序不使用一个问题,则会出现问题和失败的可能性
    - 还,基于墙壁腔的尺寸和材料吹入每个开口的材料的尺寸估计。完成粗糙的数字材料数量和红旗安装空白。


    As for moisture in the form of water vapor and condensation, the matter is more complex and not addressed so much by the integrity of the tar paper as it is by temperature factors as they interact with your entire wall and house design/materials.

  3. David Meiland||#3




  4. katie nunez.||#4


  5. katie nunez.||#5


  6. David Meiland||#6

    The felt (tar paper) in your photo does not appear to be torn much, but they broke a piece of the shingle when they drilled the hole. It's unfortunate, but not a huge deal. A super-fastidious craftsman would have slid a piece of thick felt or perhaps thin sheet metal behind that shingle to help protect the wall there, but most would not. I have not seen the styro plugs, they are usually wood around here, and glued in place. Bottom line for me is that you have shingled sidewall, which is great at shedding water, and I doubt you'll have problems. I'll be interested to hear other opinions on the foam plugs.

  7. Flitch Plate||#7

    Lookin’ at the photo and I don’t much like what I see. These are EPS foam plugs, suitable for drywall penetrations of interior wall cellulose installs and then mudding over, but not so good for an exterior install … especially in plank sheathing. I would have insisted on wood plugs.

    Sure, there might not be a bulk water entry problem, but if you examine the shingles they seem to show water stains and the under-shingle (the one penetrated) seems to be pulling water vertically by capillary action.



    凯蒂, what density of blow (i.e. lb’s of cellulose per sq ft) did you pay the contractor to achieve? And how did they prove to you (and themselves) that they did achieve it? What price per sq ft of wall did they quote you?

  8. katie nunez.||#8



  9. Flitch Plate||#9

    你现在在哪里?R13.6是适用于致密包装2 x 4墙的权利。我不能从你的照片中告诉:墙的2 x 4“或2 x 6”是吗?


  10. katie nunez.||#10

    Thank you. Would an infrared camera work this time of year in Connecticut? We were told that the infrared would not work as well when there is not that much of a difference in the inside and outdoor temperature.
    Also our walls in this part of the house are 2x 4.

  11. Flitch Plate||#11



  12. Dan Kolbert||#12


  13. katie nunez.||#13

    Thanks again,, I'm drafting a letter to our contractor and a question occurred to me as I was writing. stryofoam repels water so I was wondering why that was considered inferior in an exterior wall? Is it for structural reasons or protection from anything hitting the outside wall? Also, when we do mention the wood plug should we also recommend a wood glue sealant?

  14. David Meiland||#14



    As I said, the wood plugs are what I am used to seeing here, but they are exposed after installation and painted over. The styro plugs seem OK to me since they are covered by a shingle. However, you could call an insulation supply and ask if the styro plugs are OK for use on the exterior side.

  15. Flitch Plate||#15

    There is no need for "glue", the plugs are tapered and will stay put once knocked into place.


  16. David Meiland||#16



    If Katie's guy has IR and can get the delta T, then by all means I think he should give her a tour of the completed job. Better than that would be to get someone impartial.

  17. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#17


    Most experience dense-packers have well-calibrated fingers and can tell you with startling accuracy the density at the fill-hole where they can poke at it directly. Average density can be estimated by counting the bags and a bit of napkin-math. Some dense-packing contractors will do random spot checking by taking core-samples, measuring the density of standard volume cores directly by weighing the samples.


    Foam insulation contractors often use IR imaging during slow-rise pours in wall cavities to estimate where the initial rise will stop. That enables them to top it off without adding so much material that it a blows out the wall (which is a slow-rise foam installers nightmare scenario.)

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