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How can I fix water running down fascia board causing rot and discoloration?

Tony Bean| Posted inGeneral Questionson

我的屋顶大约5年前所取代。我recently noticed that the shingles overhang most of the roof by 3/4 inch and the water runs directly off.
But in the middle part of the fascia on the back of my home the shingles are flush with the drip edge.
The drip edge lays flat against the top of the fascia, this allows water to actually run down the fascia getting it wet, And some parts are actually rotten.

What can i put there to make the water run off the roof like all the rest of the house?

Here is a link to a youtube video i took of the edge for you.

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  1. Flitch Plate||#1

    No drip edge ...

    No gutters.

    Probably the tree and the shingles are staining the paint.

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