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tyler_2|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson




My current wall design is 2×6 framing, 1/2″ sheathing, WRB, 2 layers of 0.5″ comfortboard, 1x furring strips, and then… probably fiber cement. I will be trying to hit 2″ of exterior insulation on the slab as well if my inspector will allow it. What if I have to have a gap on the slab for the termite gap? There would be no insulation under the door sill at all! I’d expect that spot of floor to stay cold and damp.

P.S. the search function of the detail library is real bad! You get hits for any one of your search terms; Adding more search terms gives you more hits. There doesn’t seem to be a good way to narrow the search or use “AND”.

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  1. 埃里克Whetzel.||#1


    I installed plywood window and door bucks rather than using the Thermal Bucks. We installed 'innie' windows and doors --- almost exactly in the middle of our wall assembly.


    在我的建造结束时,我通过William Maclay遇到了新的网零。这本书有很多有趣的细节,可为各种更厚的更宽的细节细节。在第343页,有一个细节有如何用玻璃纤维角隔离和支撑门降压的底部。



    Even so, I'd consult an engineer to ensure the right size angle is used to fully support the door over the long term --- including when movers are stepping over the threshold with heavy furniture :)

  2. 专家成员

    泰勒,我写了一些我在这里使用的方法: They aren't super detailed but maybe they will give you an idea.

  3. 罗杰贝瑞||#3



    Your wall schedule appears to be for a mild climate if the "two layers of 1/2" comfortboard" is not a typo. If instead you mean two 2" layers, then you will likely need to review attachment of the siding and trim choices as much as how to support the door. Doors can be ordered with jamb extension to accommodate thick walls. The in swing-out swing choice will determine how far the door will open without interference.

    Framing the door opening with 2x8 or 2x10 (ripped if needed) will ensure solid material to anchor the door and trim if you set outward on the little concrete balcony I am suggesting. The foundation foam might need some fussy carving to remain flush with the finished siding plane, but nothing too onerous.
    Having the door opening extend past your sheathing may help how you terminate the insulation and furring in a sold way. Again the heat loss increase for a 1 1/2 inch band around a door is not going to be much overall. You will want to be rigorous with taping the WRB.

    If you can get the door protected by an entry porch roof you will be happier long term. My doors are a mix and the one set without the overhang protection is taking a beating. If you are planning a main/formal entrance door it is just nicer to have a place to stand out of the elements while being asked in.

  4. Thermalbuck Brinc BP.||#4

    Good morning - Tyler!

    您可以在粗糙开口的所有4侧使用Thermalbuck并使窗台隔热。它将抬起窗台1/2“,因为舌头延伸回到窗台2.5”。其余的宽度用废木填充。附件是我们所有4侧的安装说明。随意与任何问题联系 - 我们很乐意与您讨论具体安装。[email protected]

    1. tyler_2||#5

      Thermalbuck Brinc BP.: Can the sill piece of Thermalbuck be attached directly to the concrete? Since the concrete slab will be the floor, I'm concerned with the trip hazard presented by 1.5" material + 1/2" Thermal Buck + door sill. Is ThermalBuck suitable for sill support only up to 1" thickness foam? See attached image and confirm that this is what you're suggesting.

      Roger Berry:是的,1“总泡沫。这是2x6螺柱中的绝缘之外。因为这是我的第一个构建,我不想太壁垒太过墙,可能是打算的。我的担忧不是那么大量的能量损失,但是......门槛区域在冬季时太冷,形成了凝结。

      eric whetzel:使用玻璃纤维角非常有趣,我喜欢它。如果Thermalbuck侧不会弄脏,我会谈谈我的结构工程师。



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