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How safe is Icynene spray foam to use in the ceiling of bedroom/bathroom addition?

Mondra Randall| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

Central coastal California area. The addition is on the north side of the existing house. I want to know the environmental hazards and the human hazards that may exist. The room has a vaulted ceiling and the area is 7 1/2″ deep. The proposed agent is LD-C-50 ICYNENE spray foam.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Icynene is routinely sprayed in homes, and the vast majority of customers are perfectly happy. Unless the installer makes a major mistake, you shouldn't have any problems.

    However, a small number of homeowners have experienced problems with lingering odors on spray foam jobs. If those stories make you nervous, choose a different type of insulation.

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