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How to penetrate a vented cathedral ceiling for a chimney and other vents?

Roger Ellingson| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Dear GBA,
I am designing a vented cathedral ceiling assembly as in

How to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling

#356, #366, etc.
Ceiling, 2×12 rafters with 2″ vent chutes, 7.25″ mineral wool & 2″ rigid, plywood sheathing, underlayment, metal roof.

Now I am trying to figure out how to detail the roof penetrations for a wood stove (6″ pipe), direct vent gas fireplace (6″), ventilation hood (6″), sewer vent(4″), and radon vent(4″).

I have not been able to find examples of penetrating vented cathedral ceiling assemblies. It would seem this is a critical detail to take care of properly. Can you guys offer any guidance and examples on how to do it right?

Thank you,
P.S. attached is the closest thing I could find browsing online for chimney installs. Credit to the original content creator.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    You will be buying you metal chimney components from a chimney manufacturer. All manufacturers sell components for roof penetrations and provide installation instructions. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

    The two images below are examples -- but you need to follow the specific instructions provided by your chimney manufacturer.

  2. GBA Editor
    Peter Yost||#2

    Best practice for any wall or roof penetration is a manufactured "boot" on the exterior (primarily for bulk water management but can be air seal as well) and then either a boot or flash/sealant (primarily for air sealing) on the interior.

    The big difference among the penetrations you listed are ones that need to be fire-protected. Some interesting seals here, more for commercial but would work for residential certainly:


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