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Hydro vs furnace? And rigid strips on the inside?

James Magner|发布GBA Pro Help

Hello, I have two unrelated questions.

First, in a home with walls approaching R-40 and roof at R-60, that is relatively “tight”, should we consider a modulating boiler/hydro air heating system? Or is a modulating furnace a better option keeping costs in mind? I guess what I am asking is, is there any truth to a furnace providing a “dry” heat, compared to a hydro system? And, if so should it be a consideration in the decision making process?

其次,由于有许多董事会承包商抱怨在墙壁上安装蓝色板,并在网后塞满了密集的纤维素,我们建议将薄带(约2英寸)的1英寸刚性绝缘材料安装在螺柱上,在螺柱上安装netting, so that the bulging between the bays now won’t interfere with the blue board installation. The board can then be fastened by screwing through the rigid into the stud with longer screw. Are there any draw backs to this process? Is there any significant thermal bridging break that could be considered due to this process assuming the exterior of the house is not wrapped with rigid?

Thank you.

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    To try to answer your first question, we need to clarify our terminology to distinguish between three ways to heat a house:

    2. It's possible to heat a house with a furnace hooked up to ductwork. Let's call this a forced-air system or a system with a furnace.

    3. It's possible to heat a house with a boiler hooked up to a ductwork distribution system; such systems include a heat-exchange coil in the air handler. Hot water circulates through the heat-exchange coil, and the air handler blows warm air past the coil and through the ductwork. Let's call this a hydro-air system.


    Q. "Is there any truth to a furnace providing a 'dry' heat, compared to a hydro system?"

    A. No.


    A. No. Any one of the three systems I described can heat your house comfortably. There's nothing wrong with choosing the cheapest of the three options. Creating a tight, well insulated thermal envelope is far more important than the differences between these three types of heating systems.


    A. No thermal or physical drawbacks, once the work is done. But there's a lot of added labor -- that's a drawback.

    Q. "Is there any significant thermal bridging break that could be considered due to this process assuming the exterior of the house is not wrapped with rigid?"

    A. I don't understand this last question. Perhaps you can rephrase it.

  2. James Magner||#2


    Thank you. Sorry for the lacking terminology on my end. Regarding the heating systems, I was trying to compare the systems you describe in numbers 2 and 3 of your reply, thank you for the feedback, it is very helpful.

    On my last question, in my limited understanding, I thought one of the benefits of rigid insulation on the exterior, in addition to the added R value, was the "thermal break" (not sure on this terminology) it provided from the exterior to the wall and the inside of the house, not allowing the cold to transfer through the studs to the inside. So I thought, instead of just furring the inside studs out with strapping to account for the cellulose bulge, would there be an added value to using polyiso, or similar, to fur out as that would potentially provide that "thermal break" between the outside of the wall and inside of the stud. I am sorry if this isn't making sense.



  3. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#3

    现在我明白了你的问题。是的,螺柱内部侧面的泡沫条将提供有效的热断裂。只需确保您的弹头符合您的计划即可 - 一些石膏板承包商讨厌通过泡沫拧紧。

  4. James Magner||#4

    Will do, thank you again.


  5. John Klingel||#5


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