I've never used anything but #15 felt roofing underlayment. I've used self-adhering membrane as a valley flashing where shingles are woven and the flashing is not exposed, and have used it to fabricate window sill pans, but avoid it as much as possible.
I've also had to cut off self-adhering membrane applied by others around window openings when installing exterior trim, because the overlapped or wrinkled flashing interfered with trim placement. Simple felt gaskets under window flanges or casing is a tried-and-true method of weather sealing, and felt as a wall WRB is much easier to integrate with window flashings than plastic housewraps that have to be slit and taped over windows.
There are almost always other, more breatheable materials and techniques which work as well or better, many of which have worked for hundreds of years.
I will have to disagree with Robert on his perceived issues, as you would have to be a complete moron to screw up that installation
我讨论的问题并不是“感知”。他们是proven by laboratory and field studies and computer simulations, and they are also self-evident to those who understand hygro-thermal dynamics and envelope failure modes.
It doesn't even require a " complete moron" to "screw up" - even run of the mill morons are likely to do so. In fact, a 3' strip of self-adhering membrane at the eaves can be potentially worse than full coverage, since a roofing leak above the eave membrane can saturate roof decking underneath the membrane as absorbed water is redistributed within the sheathing, where it may become trapped long enough, with sun beating on it, to initiate and nurture mold or decay organism growth. And, in a high humidity exterior environment, the damp air in soffits can raise the equilibrium moisture content of the roof sheathing above which, covered by impermeable membrane, remains damp enough to cause problems.
And synthetic roofing underlayments, like Titanium UDL-30, are typically vapor barriers (0.0.6 perms for Titanium) and prevent drying to the exterior.
Codes have finally moved away from wall vapor barriers because they are as likely to trap moisture as to keep it out of the structure, but now builders are moving toward self-adhering membranes and vapor barrier underlayments for roofs (and even walls) which will create another set of moisture problems.
Anything made of wood has to be able to breathe. Anything that inhibits or prevents the breathing of wood materials and structures increases the probability of moisture problems and eventual failure.
Water is the most powerful and mysterious substance on earth. Nothing can stop it and any attempt to do so (such as damming up major rivers or sealing up building assemblies) inevitably leads to unintended consequences and increases the probability of disaster.
First, there is nothing mysterious about water or the consequences of not respecting it & remembering physics. 其次,木材不需要呼吸,它实际上可以在水下持续多年,没有任何不良影响 第三,让我们认真对待屋顶干燥到外部 - 这不是它的工作方式,永远不会和永远不会,因为带状疱疹和其他覆盖物将阻止它,最重要的一层是从偷偷摸摸的水中溜走的“毛毡”层上面(好吧,我将其拿回来,但我们没有处理雪松奶昔) Fourth - why the he11 are you hiring morons to even work on your house? That said, you don't have to worry about them installing I&W because they will probably cheap out & use felt anyways 第五,根据他的区域,在屋檐上需要解决冰坝的任何可能问题,也不要理会那样容易预防,因为这比安装I&W更难做到。 第六-是的,他们被认为是您所看到的所有地方的失败,而不是当人们实际上做正确的工作并试图吓heorlly从前进的情况下发生的事情,而只是导致了不良信息的现状。正如我最喜欢的计算机俗语之一 - 垃圾IN =垃圾
With that said, Good day - I am done even trying to reason or even talk with you, because I have a sneaky feeling it doesn't do any good & hopefully Stephen finds a great roofing contractor that not only knows the codes, but knows what does & doesn't work
Generally I try to keep these away from the personal, but you seem to like taking it that way.
For the record, this knuckle dragging contractor - has over 20 years in the field mostly doing remodeling work, is a RESNET Rater, BPI certified, Infrared Thermographer, and a whole host of other items - my knowledge pretty well exceeds yours for what really works and what doesn't. Now seeing you probably still can't see past the "construction" part lets see what other building science "experts" have to say
Back to your simulation that you like to brag about "A 10-year computer simulation study, using hourly weather data for a hot climate (Miami) and a cold climate (Boston) demonstrated that a roof deck with vapor impermeable layers on both sides was highly vulnerable to moisture damage in either climate in the event of a roof leak, which has to be assumed as a high probability during the life of a structure."
Needless to say, I still disagree with the breathable part in two directions, as roofs don't dry to the outside, as Martin Holliday states "2. Regardless of your roofing underlayment choice, your insulated roof assembly will not dry to the exterior unless the roofing is vapor permeable. Many types of roofing, including EPDM and standing-seam steel roofing, are virtually impermeable to water vapor. Other types of roofing, including cedar shingles and concrete tile roofing, are fairly permeable. Asphalt shingles are a little bit permeable in windy conditions -- but not very.
气候、螺距、排放或热屋顶,创造一定的大小t, skip sheathed, or regular? Mind you it has been around 20 years since I last installed any cedar shingles or shakes and about 15 for concrete roof tiles - now it's all shingles or subbing the metal out.
Personally, I do like the new cedar rebreather products that have come out which allows a shingle to mostly dry out on all sides evenly. As an FYI, cedar shingles & shakes are one of the few products I definitely recommend gets hand nailed
Roy, if you can afford a roof that costs a $1000-2000 a square, then the last place to go is a chat forum. You find out who does it well where you live and leave the details to them.
Like #15 felt, #30 felt has variable permeance depending on its moisture content. If the felt ever gets wet, its permeance rises, so in essence it is a smart vapor retarder.
Anonymous - actually one reason people use these forums is to research first, and find out who does what, why, and is there a better method, before searching for and hopefully finding a reputable company that does things right. The great thing is, there are plenty of people willing to share that information and help others out - on the flip side, there is plenty of bad information out there also.
If you really believe that the roofing (or siding) is primarily architectural embellishment and the underlayment is the primary weather barrier, then you shouldn't be in the construction business.
And if you truly believe that "about roofs drying to the exterior - that is not the way it works, never has and never will as the shingles & other coverings will prevent it", and you ever put roofing on a closed-cell spray foam insulated roof deck, then you'd better provide some other method of drying because all roofs eventually leak.
And Martin is only half right about shingles when he says "Regardless of your roofing underlayment choice, your insulated roof assembly will not dry to the exterior unless the roofing is vapor permeable." A roofing material can be vapor permeable or the roofing assembly can be vapor open, such as any type of shingled roofing which leaves gaps between layers.
"Underlayment – Typical 15# tarred felt underlayment provides back-up protection against water intrusion only as long as the primary roofing material remains intact. It is not intended for direct exposure in the event of loss of the primary roofing system in a severe wind-driven rain event."
"If water leaks behind the secondary drainage plane, it may cause more damage than if no drainage plain were present due to slower drying."
What the Florida Solar Energy Center study was premised on, and what every responsible building professional should understand, is that all things fail at some point or at least have a significant probability of failure, and hence all water resistive strategies must include mechanisms for drying.
或者, as Dr. Joe of Building Science Corp. often says:“必须遵循物理定律。事情变得弄湿了 - 让它们干燥。从内部,外部和它们开始湿润。水分超过了材料的存储能力,出现问题。”
I've never used anything but #15 felt roofing underlayment. I've used self-adhering membrane as a valley flashing where shingles are woven and the flashing is not exposed, and have used it to fabricate window sill pans, but avoid it as much as possible.
I've also had to cut off self-adhering membrane applied by others around window openings when installing exterior trim, because the overlapped or wrinkled flashing interfered with trim placement. Simple felt gaskets under window flanges or casing is a tried-and-true method of weather sealing, and felt as a wall WRB is much easier to integrate with window flashings than plastic housewraps that have to be slit and taped over windows.
There are almost always other, more breatheable materials and techniques which work as well or better, many of which have worked for hundreds of years.
斯蒂芬,这完全取决于您所在地区的代码。在佛罗里达州,您必须使用类似或至少将其应用于所有接缝。在您所在的地区(我记得根据最佳实践 /代码),它至少要超过内墙或2行(以较大者为准)2' - 根据音高,我可能是错误的。我将不得不在罗伯特(Robert)就他的感知问题上不同意,因为您必须是一个完整的白痴才能搞砸这一装置 - 尤其是当您认为它围绕指甲封闭等时,等等...
我讨论的问题并不是“感知”。他们是proven by laboratory and field studies and computer simulations, and they are also self-evident to those who understand hygro-thermal dynamics and envelope failure modes.
It doesn't even require a " complete moron" to "screw up" - even run of the mill morons are likely to do so. In fact, a 3' strip of self-adhering membrane at the eaves can be potentially worse than full coverage, since a roofing leak above the eave membrane can saturate roof decking underneath the membrane as absorbed water is redistributed within the sheathing, where it may become trapped long enough, with sun beating on it, to initiate and nurture mold or decay organism growth. And, in a high humidity exterior environment, the damp air in soffits can raise the equilibrium moisture content of the roof sheathing above which, covered by impermeable membrane, remains damp enough to cause problems.
And synthetic roofing underlayments, like Titanium UDL-30, are typically vapor barriers (0.0.6 perms for Titanium) and prevent drying to the exterior.
Codes have finally moved away from wall vapor barriers because they are as likely to trap moisture as to keep it out of the structure, but now builders are moving toward self-adhering membranes and vapor barrier underlayments for roofs (and even walls) which will create another set of moisture problems.
Anything made of wood has to be able to breathe. Anything that inhibits or prevents the breathing of wood materials and structures increases the probability of moisture problems and eventual failure.
Water is the most powerful and mysterious substance on earth. Nothing can stop it and any attempt to do so (such as damming up major rivers or sealing up building assemblies) inevitably leads to unintended consequences and increases the probability of disaster.
First, there is nothing mysterious about water or the consequences of not respecting it & remembering physics.
第三,让我们认真对待屋顶干燥到外部 - 这不是它的工作方式,永远不会和永远不会,因为带状疱疹和其他覆盖物将阻止它,最重要的一层是从偷偷摸摸的水中溜走的“毛毡”层上面(好吧,我将其拿回来,但我们没有处理雪松奶昔)
Fourth - why the he11 are you hiring morons to even work on your house? That said, you don't have to worry about them installing I&W because they will probably cheap out & use felt anyways
第六-是的,他们被认为是您所看到的所有地方的失败,而不是当人们实际上做正确的工作并试图吓heorlly从前进的情况下发生的事情,而只是导致了不良信息的现状。正如我最喜欢的计算机俗语之一 - 垃圾IN =垃圾
Now thats funny - I don't have a clue, nice try
A good roofer installs felt underlayment and roofing at the same time so there is no issue of long-term exposure.
我认为您需要参加阅读理解的课程并查看这本书 -http://www.amazon.com/how-win-friends-influence-people/dp/0671723650
With that said, Good day - I am done even trying to reason or even talk with you, because I have a sneaky feeling it doesn't do any good & hopefully Stephen finds a great roofing contractor that not only knows the codes, but knows what does & doesn't work
I teach building science, engineering, design and sustainable construction, as well as Hygro-Thermal Engineering.
Generally I try to keep these away from the personal, but you seem to like taking it that way.
For the record, this knuckle dragging contractor - has over 20 years in the field mostly doing remodeling work, is a RESNET Rater, BPI certified, Infrared Thermographer, and a whole host of other items - my knowledge pretty well exceeds yours for what really works and what doesn't. Now seeing you probably still can't see past the "construction" part lets see what other building science "experts" have to say
Back to your simulation that you like to brag about "A 10-year computer simulation study, using hourly weather data for a hot climate (Miami) and a cold climate (Boston) demonstrated that a roof deck with vapor impermeable layers on both sides was highly vulnerable to moisture damage in either climate in the event of a roof leak, which has to be assumed as a high probability during the life of a structure."
Needless to say, I still disagree with the breathable part in two directions, as roofs don't dry to the outside, as Martin Holliday states "2. Regardless of your roofing underlayment choice, your insulated roof assembly will not dry to the exterior unless the roofing is vapor permeable. Many types of roofing, including EPDM and standing-seam steel roofing, are virtually impermeable to water vapor. Other types of roofing, including cedar shingles and concrete tile roofing, are fairly permeable. Asphalt shingles are a little bit permeable in windy conditions -- but not very.
气候、螺距、排放或热屋顶,创造一定的大小t, skip sheathed, or regular? Mind you it has been around 20 years since I last installed any cedar shingles or shakes and about 15 for concrete roof tiles - now it's all shingles or subbing the metal out.
Personally, I do like the new cedar rebreather products that have come out which allows a shingle to mostly dry out on all sides evenly. As an FYI, cedar shingles & shakes are one of the few products I definitely recommend gets hand nailed
http://www.cedarbureau.org/installation/ford_manual/pdfs/ford-manual.pdf- 您可能需要查看第15页,图23C和第7页,以获取攻击问题的不同方法。如果这是我自己的房子-5/8 Ply,I&W或类似产品可以处理指甲等...,2英寸或较厚的泡沫(胶带接缝),请参见第7页,请参阅第7页,三重启动器,然后将带有适当尺寸的不锈钢指甲和铜w闪烁的二手山谷以及山脊的铜钉钉钉,还有山脊。是的,它的成本要高一点,但是我希望那个屋顶可以轻松地超过我,而不会让我不允许任何水进入任何水房子
Roy, if you can afford a roof that costs a $1000-2000 a square, then the last place to go is a chat forum. You find out who does it well where you live and leave the details to them.
#30沥青的已发布的渗透值从0.5 pers到3.0 perms。但是,当毛毡干燥时,这些是渗透值。
Like #15 felt, #30 felt has variable permeance depending on its moisture content. If the felt ever gets wet, its permeance rises, so in essence it is a smart vapor retarder.
谢谢马丁,我的纠正措施,因为我发誓它没有达到.5 Mark&15仅仅是原始的焦油纸?)
Anonymous - actually one reason people use these forums is to research first, and find out who does what, why, and is there a better method, before searching for and hopefully finding a reputable company that does things right. The great thing is, there are plenty of people willing to share that information and help others out - on the flip side, there is plenty of bad information out there also.
If you really believe that the roofing (or siding) is primarily architectural embellishment and the underlayment is the primary weather barrier, then you shouldn't be in the construction business.
And if you truly believe that "about roofs drying to the exterior - that is not the way it works, never has and never will as the shingles & other coverings will prevent it", and you ever put roofing on a closed-cell spray foam insulated roof deck, then you'd better provide some other method of drying because all roofs eventually leak.
And Martin is only half right about shingles when he says "Regardless of your roofing underlayment choice, your insulated roof assembly will not dry to the exterior unless the roofing is vapor permeable." A roofing material can be vapor permeable or the roofing assembly can be vapor open, such as any type of shingled roofing which leaves gaps between layers.
"Underlayment – Typical 15# tarred felt underlayment provides back-up protection against water intrusion only as long as the primary roofing material remains intact. It is not intended for direct exposure in the event of loss of the primary roofing system in a severe wind-driven rain event."
"If water leaks behind the secondary drainage plane, it may cause more damage than if no drainage plain were present due to slower drying."
What the Florida Solar Energy Center study was premised on, and what every responsible building professional should understand, is that all things fail at some point or at least have a significant probability of failure, and hence all water resistive strategies must include mechanisms for drying.
或者, as Dr. Joe of Building Science Corp. often says:“必须遵循物理定律。事情变得弄湿了 - 让它们干燥。从内部,外部和它们开始湿润。水分超过了材料的存储能力,出现问题。”
罗伯特(Robert),看到与愚蠢的人争吵或扭曲一些扭曲的A55版本的人争论 - 晚上好