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International Residential Code

Jack Woolfe| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Is the International Residential Code available online, free, anywhere? If not, is there anything equivalent available — at least good-enough for a DIY builder?

Looking at Abebooks I see that I can get 2000 and maybe 2003 or 2006 versions for less than $15.

How much different are these older versions compared to the latest version? How helpful is it to a DIY builder to have access to the International Energy Conservation Code?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Several versions of the IRC and IECC are available online. Here are the links:

    International Residential Code

    International Energy Conservation Code

    These free online versions aren't very user-friendly. As far as I can tell, they are deliberately clunky and hard to navigate -- to encourage you to buy the books. But they are free and very useful.

  2. Michael Arnold||#2

    Google can help get past the clunkiness. You can use an advanced Google search. Plug the following into the Google search box:
    site: vents

    Or use Google's advanced search here:

    I often use that Google site search on GBA clunky

  3. Jack Woolfe||#3

    Thank you Martin and Michael. I had found the International Code Council website, which sells copies of the IRC, but somehow missed the publicecodes website.

  4. Mike Collignon||#4

    What edition of the IRC and IECC has your jurisdiction adopted? That's what I would be looking for.

    You may also want to check with your local building department to see if they have any extra copies that you could either have or they could loan to you.

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