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bp8963|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson


我和我的伴侣位于法国。我在缅因州长大,被发现了农舍。我们正计划建造一个COB房屋以提高成本效率;但是,几年后,我很好奇是否可以在稍后再添加木材的木质壁板?再次,我非常喜欢农舍的外观。有建议或建议吗?非常感激。Merci Beaucoup。


  1. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#1

    通常的平坦结实的墙不是super-planar, but I suppose you could make it fairly flat. One of the nice things about cob it the ability to make unusual shapes and curved surfaces, whereas most wood cladding tends to be fairly straight, which could be a practical/aesthetic issue if the underlying wall isn't very flat. As long as the wood cladding is back ventilated, with an air gap between the cob & cladding as a capillary break and drying path it should be OK from a moisture point of view.

    The topic has come up before on this forum:


  2. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#2

    The question hinges on fastening. If you know how to securely fasten vertical furring strips to a cob wall, then you should be all set.


    The furring strips can be shimmed as necessary to get the furring strips co-planar.

  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Some online research reveals that fastening furring strips to a cob wall won't be easy. I didn't come up with any great suggestions after reading these links:

  4. James Morgan||#4

    I'll confess to being bewildered by this post - why on earth would you want to do this? First of all, if cob is an economical building material in your part of France the chances are it already 'is' the farmhouse look in your area. Farmers are generally pragmatic and economical people and the farmhouse 'look' in any given area generally reflects environmentally responsible local material options and construction technologies which local builders are thoroughly familiar with.

    但是,鉴于您似乎确实对缅因州农舍的外观有所努力,因此将壁板添加到COB会带来一些实际困难,这些困难可能具有昂贵的解决方案。As Martin has discovered, fastening nailing battens to cob is not going to be an easy matter and you’re likely to end up needing to build a full frame wall spaced off the exterior of the cob, maybe in pressure treated material and with the need for careful and complicated detailing at doors and footings and most especially at window openings. And then you will have a non-indigenous exterior cladding material which will require regular maintenance much in excess of the original cob. Sounds like a recipe for much trouble and expense.

  5. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#5

    詹姆斯:当地的“ ...农舍外观……”在法国的大多数情况下,比棒子或木质覆盖物更有可能是石工砌体,而且绝对比COB贵。也可以找到法国农村的Cob&Stone房屋的例子。


  6. James Morgan||#6

    Dana: certainly, stone is the common traditional building material in the parts of rural France that I’m familiar with, and brick or concrete masonry with stucco finish a more economical modern alternative. I wouldn’t consider cob a good choice if there were no local tradition of its use, there are many parts of France I have not visited and I was giving the OP the benefit of the doubt on that.

  7. 克里斯托弗·格拉斯浦(Christopher Glasspool)||#7




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