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锤子|Posted in一般的问题on

希望每个人都做得很好。过去几天,我已经有点沉迷于外部基础绝缘。我真的很喜欢这个想法,因为内部的额外的房间而不是建造墙壁并使用干墙。我对害虫渗透有点紧张,但我决定甚至值得风险。地下室的完整区域约为350平方英尺。如果我没有任何东西,那么在前面和后面有2个厚的砖石墙体,可以创建分区。前壁完全在地下并在门廊下面。东墙和后壁100%以上。房子的背面有一个露台,上面有一个凸起的第一楼甲板。我的西墙低于等级低于50-60%。 I’m in Westchester county, NY so not sure what products are approved and how much termite protection I need. My easiest solution would be to use adhesive to attach fp lite panels, they have an attached stucco surface, and put that around all above ground walls I can access and the top half of my wall below grade. The company that makes the panel also creates a metal z channel that can sit on top under wood siding. So I guess my questions would be:

1.只有350平方英尺的气候区how long would it take me to even out with the cost of insulation. If I didn’t insulate I would probably just insulate the rim joist which has nothing now and run 2 portable infrared heaters for periods when someone is down there. It won’t be a bedroom prob office, playroom, gym, nothing that would need to be heated overnight. Then run dehumidifier in hot summers.


3. One of the other reasons why I would prefer exterior insulation because I’m planing an addition on my west side wall in a few years. I figure any of my exterior insulation would just get buried in new addition. I would not have to worry about losing money on ripping out walls from interior. An architect told me if I built any wall on interior it would be ripped out with addition because of codes. Is this even true if I built a wall to code?

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  1. Tyler Keniston.||#1




  2. 锤子||#2


    I guess what I’m asking is if it is worth it to attach rigid foam to my exterior foundation wall using a product like the one I posted below on my above grade concrete walls or is the risk of developing a termite and ant problem too great. Would it take years to recover the cost of insulation when I’m heating a 350 sq basement intermittently with infrared heaters. Yes digging out the entire basement would be costly and in my opinion not worth it considering I don’t have any moisture issue and most of my foundation walls are above grade. I’m basically just insulating whatever is exposed to outside air leaving underground alone.

    FP Ultra Lite 1 In。x 2 ft. x 4英尺。灰泥灰色基础面板




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