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Lunos HRV system in cold climate?

Vera H.| Posted inMechanicalson

We are building a 1,350 square foot single story passive solar home. Slab on grade, very well insulated, open concept living area, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms. Our home is located in northwestern Ontario, Canada, with temperatures dipping to -30 degrees Celsius in winter. The winters are dry. Wondering if anyone has experience with the Lunos HRV system in a cold climate? Would there be issues with the heat exchange during cold days/nights? What about extreme differences in inside and outside humidity?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I suggest that you call one of the specialists at 475 High Performance Building Supply and ask them your question. (They are a major supplier of Lunos fans.)

    Contact information:

    475 High Performance Building Supply
    131 Union Street
    Brooklyn, New York 11231

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    This is just a fuzzy memory, but as I recall the manufacturer claims to have tested them in northern Norway, which can easily be -30C or colder. The concern was whether they would suffer frost damage in real-world house at those temperature extremes, but apparently they're fine.

    Rather than relying on the folks at 475, you might try getting information from the manufacturer:

  3. Steve Lenertz||#3


    Did you ever find an answer to your question? From what I'm finding in the Lunos literature, the temperature application range is -15C to +40C


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