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Minisplit four-way ceiling cassette that can shut off airflow in one or more directions?

Vanessa| Posted inMechanicalson

We’re renovating a house in climate zone 4C that has about 2,000 square feet on the first floor; about half of that area will be vaulted to an open loft area. We’d like to install a four-way ceiling cassette for a mini-split heat pump in the hallway downstairs, to ensure the heat reaches the rooms that are not vaulted. This includes two bedrooms with doors across this hallway from each other (offset by a couple feet), with the doors left open most the time.

I’ve read that some four-way ceiling cassettes allow you to shut off the airflow in one or two directions, which would be helpful for directing more of the airflow to the un-vaulted rooms. But I’m having difficulty finding that info in the operation manuals or product webpages. Does anyone know which brands/ models allow this?

I’ve looked into the Mitsubishi (SLZ-KA-15NA) and Fujitsu (18RLFCC) compact ceiling cassettes so far, and would appreciate hearing any pros & cons of these brands/models of ceiling cassettes (as well as their associated condensers and remote controls). Thanks.

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