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HT Miller.| Posted in一般的问题on

I own a 1922 brick bungalow in Illinois. The main floor has one wythe of brick on the exterior, then an 1 1/2″ air gap, then wood stud walls. I want to drywall the ceiling and walls in one room — the previous homeowners removed the original plaster and lath and added fiberglass insulation and drywall, which I removed. There is tar paper attached to the studs only on the bottom third of the wall (photo attached). After reading through several other posts here, I’ve decided not to insulate this room at all because I don’t want to somehow damage the brick over time (I’m also on a budget and doing many other repairs to the house that are more important). I was just going to drywall over the studs as is, but now I’m wondering if I should somehow correct the lack of tar paper on the rest of the wall.

When I removed the fiberglass insulation and drywall, which I would guess had been there for minimum 20 years, probably more like 30, nothing appeared to be wet or moldy. This house has 2′ overhangs everywhere and the brick seems to be in relatively good shape.

Would it be a problem to drywall over the studs as is, or is there a chance of a moisture problem? What might I do to correct that? Thanks for any advice.

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1





    Before you do anything to it, take a look at the brick ties, and replace as-needed. Corroded brick ties are probably the biggest existential threat to the brick.

    You can probably execute a reasonable exterior side air-barrier with housewrap pushed back to within a half-inch of the exterior edge of the studs, side-stapling it to the framing as you go. Better yet, a cut'n' cobble approach to 1.5" foil faced polyiso foam between the studs, held off from the brick with chunks of 1.5" foam as stand-offs, sealed to the framing with can-foam would put a weather resistant vapor retarder between the stud cavities and the brick, and would allow you to insulate the cavites with blown fiber or installing (even if you have to compress them) unfaced R13s, which would perform about 2x as well as the batts you took out, since there was previously no exterior air barrier to prevent convective loss of performance at the temperature extremes.



  2. HT Miller.||#2

    谢谢你的详细回复。损害届e bricks I was referring to was reducing/eliminating the warm air passing through them to help dry them out if they're wet -- based on other things I have read online. Though again, it seems like the bricks are in good condition and that water is going where it is supposed to, and the bricks are not load bearing. I have worked on many houses before but never with brick, so it's been a learning experience.

    I am uneasy about not insulating it, too. I had read about closed-cell spray foam insulation elsewhere on this site. Are there any big drawbacks or risks with this type of insulation? I just don't want to do something that will cause problems years down the road -- and I would definitely rather insulate than not (though I'm pretty sure this would be the only insulated room in the house...).

    Thanks again!

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3


    Most brick veneer designs are vented at the top- either the cavity is open to the attic or eaves, or with slot-venting to the exterior in the vertical mortar every few bricks, and with weep-holes in the bottom course mortar every few bricks, which directs bulk water to the exterior via the weeps, and convective drying of the cavity via weeps and top vents. If those drying paths aren't already there, they can be added or modified to work better.



    所说的是你拔出的击败没有造成水分损伤的迹象意味着腔有足够的干燥能力,所以在合理完成的情况下,在最少的BATT溶液中不会伤害。疼痛的部分将在外部处获得适当的空调。如果您使用Housewrap为空中障碍而不是刚性泡沫,岩棉可能比玻璃纤维更好,因为它更加浓密 - 更加空气,并且完全防火。如果空调是刚性的泡沫,你需要非常压缩搭配,玻璃纤维更易于安装。



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