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Recycling Cell Phones

melizaliam002| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hi everybody, What does e-waste include, and how it recycled into usable items? Recently, I came to know about Recycle my Electronics( There are some unused phones left in my home. I was considering making it useful. Do they offer any charge for recycling? Do they come and gather it from home? Please leave feedback.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques||#1

    Good for you for wanting to recycle your phones. Apple has a recycling program; it will recycle Apple products for free, and will take other brands for a fee. Personally, I recommend donating your phones to a nonprofit that will put them in the hands of someone who needs one. A few agencies do this including Women Against Abuse, Cell Phones for Soldiers, and Medic Mobil.

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