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New home – door choices

Dave W| Posted inGeneral Questionson

(Are you all getting tired of my questions yet?)

We have a couple of design choices we can make with our new home and wanted to get feedback on “standard” doors vs. sliding glass doors. Northern exposure. Will either be a “full daylight” standard (french?) door or sliding glass. Looking for input on pros and cons of each from a thermal protection standpoint.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Sliding doors have more air leakage than hinged doors. If you care about energy performance, choose a hinged door.

  2. Dave W||#2

    Just as I suspected....thank you for verifying!

    Any particular brands that you've been impressed by?

  3. Matthew Nolette - So Maine CZ 6A||#3

    A nit-pick of a clarification: A double door with an integral multi-point lock. Otherwise, many of the 'popular' manufacturers' double active doors will be the worst opening in your house. Serious Windows and Doors makes an impressive door.

  4. Mike Eliason||#4

    "If you care about energy performance, choose a hinged door."

    lift-slides can be fairly airtight, and have been installed in many high performance passivhaeuser in the EU and US...

  5. Dave W||#5

    Sorry for not replying in a more timely fashion.....thank you all for the advice....sliding door is being taken out of our plan and replaced with hinged door.

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