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Kenneth Gartner|发布绿色建筑技术

I have nearly finished construction of our slab-on-grade house in zone 5 MA.

我们既没有地下室,阁楼也没有车库。所有的内部空间都共享相同的空气,并带有一个很小的杂物室。内部空气质量很重要 - 房屋都是松树和水泥。没有胶合板,没有MDF,没有芯片板,没有OSB;本质上,没有胶水或树脂。没有燃烧设备..所有电动。很少有塑料,没有地毯,没有油漆。我们的呼吸很重要。

So, the trouble is that I still have the need to store temperature-sensitive products, which are hazardous, or at least give off smells. Cans of paint, stain, caulk, lubricants and so on. Not OK for storage in the house.

Being green-minded and wallet-light, I am looking at the several feet of added final grade fill as an opportunity for ersatz root cellaring.

The answer could be as simplistic as dumping a truckload of “sand” strategically now and later excavating by hand to bury several vertically positioned lidded galvanized/plastic trash cans. I can see a few pitfalls (pun, intended) with this strategy, so maybe a fill less likely to cave-in on my efforts would be better. The aesthetics of such might be reminiscent of coldwar backyard bunkers, ugh. Tripping hazards galore. Also I am concerned with corrosion inside among the cans of paint. Still, it addresses the need.



Thanks, GBA!

GBA Prime


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  1. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#1

    您可以建造一个带有附有存储区域的车棚吗?如果是这样,您可以安装一个小型的DIY Mini拆分,以使空间保持所需的温度。


  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    With no specification of the tolerable storage temperature range or total volume required it's hard to come up with cheap or intelligent solutions.

  3. 乔恩·R||#3

    I'd use a interior closet, air seal it well and then install a small exhaust fan (providing an always negative pressure wrt the house interior). Add a UPS for power failures and an alarm so you can run for the exit if the fan fails.

  4. 斯蒂芬·希希(Stephen Sheehy)||#4

    It will be vastly cheaper to give away your partially used containers of paint, etc. and buy new when you need more. Why spend money to store a few dollars worth of stuff?

  5. Kenneth Gartner||#5

    斯蒂芬 - 不拿着太多的材料是我没想到的想法,但这是减少必需品的好计划。另外,将半使用的罐头减少到较小的容器。但是,丢弃/更换似乎并不是绿色和一分钱,我将获得一些无法按需更换的材料。我的某些产品是润滑剂,胶水和油漆,但其他产品可能是鱼类乳液或花园产品,这些产品在极端温度下效果不佳。

    Dana -- I think the equivalent of an unheated Yankee basement, 20-40 degrees in winter and humid, would be a reasonable range for most of the cans and tubs. Much better than the wild swings of below zero and over one hundred that the shipping container offers.

    史蒂夫 - 建造车棚是一项巨大的基础设施费用,也将鼓励混乱。我有几个未加热和未充分的运输容器,因此有一天可以绝缘。我想最简单的是在自己的车库/车棚/谷仓和冬季的“租金”空间中找到一个有空间的邻居。

    Jon -- inside the house is a no go. There is no interior space that could be walled off atmospherically and I am seeking a completely passive approach if possible. Personally, I don't much mind the smell of WD40 and friends, but Sweetheart is very sensitive.

    这是我想致力于这一努力的大约努力和莫拉(Moulah) - I don't want another over-engineering project on my list. Some 55 gallon plastic drums, with lids removed so as to retain their strength, small holes poked in bottom to let out water that might seep in; peastone for drainage underneath, bricks or peastone inside to raise items away from potential moisture, some kind of weatherproof reusable 'flashing' for the lid (perhaps EPDM ratcheted around the top) to keep out snowmelt and rain. Items wrapped in plastic bags to reduce corrosion and moisture damage. Build a little decking over the barrels to avoid tripping hazards and eyesore.

    Thanks for the ideas and engaging with me, everyone.


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