我们的屋顶是1/3 hipped板块,2/3的屋顶用传统的屋顶材料,涂层白色。
我们的屋顶是1/3 hipped板的板岩,2/3的屋顶是用传统的屋顶材料套用的,涂有白色的材料。
We’d like to get additional R-value, but don’t want to screw up the expensive foam coating. Thanks for your time & attention.
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

2.使用了哪种类型的喷雾泡沫 - 开孔喷雾泡沫或闭孔喷雾泡沫?
6. How thick is the rock wool insulation?
We're in St. Louis, Missouri.
It was installed directly on the underside of the roof.
The rock wool is between the joists on the floor of the attic.
这是3至4英寸厚,大约一半的depth of the joist.
The hipped portion of the roof, where there is room to stand and storage space, has plywood covering the joists & rock wool. In order to heat the 2nd floor ( all the radiators were cracked & there was no other way ) we installed a high efficiency gas furnace up in the hipped portion of the attic. ( it releases little heat into the space )
It's kind of a shame that spray foam was installed on the interior side of the sheathing on your slate roof. It will make future roofing repairs difficult, since the spray foam glues the slates into a monolithic mass. It also makes it impossible for the slates to dry on the back side -- which is unfortunate but not fatal.
Once the decision was made to install spray foam on the underside of the roof sheathing, those sloped roof assemblies now constitute the thermal envelope of your home. In your climate zone (Climate Zone 4), building codes require a minimum of R-38 for roof insulation. The spray foam layer is rated at about R-29 or R-30, so you are correct that it would be a good idea to beef up your insulation layer.
The gas furnace is indeed a sealed unit. It brings in fresh air from outside, and exhausts the same way.
What's the problem? Would too much heat build up in the attic during the Summer?
If you are heating with natural gas, I can't see you saving very much by just adding attic insulation since you already have.
建筑法规不认识到将一半隔热材料沿屋顶坡度和一半隔热材料放在阁楼地板上的做法。我并不是说这不会发生,也不是无法正常工作 - 这不是代码认可的方法。
But, leaving code issues aside, the main problem with installing more insulation on your attic floor is that you lose some of the benefit that comes from bringing your furnace inside your home's thermal envelope. Ideally, you want that heat thrown off of the furnace and ducts to be indoors, not outdoors. The more insulation that you place on your attic floor, the more you are condemning your furnace to spend the rest of its life outdoors.
Not certain we understand the bit about "condemning your furnace to spend the rest of its life outdoors".
We come back to the question of whether Summer heat build-up due to floor insulation would harm the foam.
我们忘了提到,阳光和热量的天窗大约为24 x 48英寸。
Would anything change if we installed an AC condenser unit onto that furnace/blower/duct system?
We have the fittings already installed to connect to an outdoor A/C unit if we decide to do Central Air.
Right now we're making do with window units.
Your plan will work, but it isn't optimal. That said, the difference in energy use that we are talking about isn't much.
Unfortunately, furnaces are often installed outside of a home's thermal envelope -- in an unconditioned attic, an unconditioned crawl space, or a garage. This is not desirable, since the furnace and nearby ductwork give off a lot of heat. If the furnace is outdoors, the heat is wasted.
您的情况不是最坏情况的一个例子。您的炉子位于中间空间中 - 并不是真正的室内,也不是在户外。
无论您是否意识到,您的炉子和附近的管道都在释放热量。理想情况下,车顶线上的绝缘材料会很厚 - 保持热量。理想情况下,阁楼地板上不会有绝缘材料 - 因此,炉子和导管散发出的多余热量将能够流过阁楼地板到下面的居住空间。