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Possible to move?

BrigusJ19| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I currently have a ductless mini split installed at my cabin, the air handler is located in the living room on the main floor, is it possible to move the air handler to the in house garage located directly underneath? It would be installed on the same wall directly underneath.

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  1. Burninate||#1

    I'm not sure whether you edited your post for clarity or I just grossly misread things, but I initially read this question as "Can I take the compressor unit and put it inside the garage".

    You can absolutely move the indoor part of the system around, but it will require reestablishing drainage lines and I was told may require an HVAC tech to refill, purge, bleed, or do something similar to mess with the refrigerant.

  2. BrigusJ19||#2

    It's an in house garage, you can gain access via the main level, garage door or side entrance door. So it's not a good idea to change location of the inside unit? I may not be providing the most accurate information as I am not that familiar with these units, I have attached a pic of the inside unit. The unit and the wood-stove are located in the same room, if possible I would rather move the unit instead of the wood-stove.

  3. Walter Ahlgrim||#3

    It has been my experience that for $1500 plus supplies almost anything is possible.

    Is it a good idea that is a different question, one you have not ask or given us enough information to have an opinion.

    If your cabin has the residents and automobiles sharing the same space, it sounds like a world class mistake.
    1 Hot automobiles off gas terrible fume no human should be exposed to.
    2 Code requires a fire wall between living spaces and garages because car fires are common and the fire wall gives you time you need to escape.
    3 People tend to store gasoline, lawn chemicals and poisons in their garages and it is best to keep them out of your living spaces.


    1. BrigusJ19||#4

      Thank you for your response. As I indicated, I don't know anything about these systems which is why I asked the questions.

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