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Prefab soffit insulation baffles

Milan Jurich| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

Is anyone aware of a prefab soffit insulation baffle that offers a 2″ chute opening? Fine Homebuilding had a recent article in which Joe Lstiburek indicated that a 2″ airspace in the vent chute should be the minimum as opposed to 1″ per code for best performance. A product from AccuVent was shown in the article, but it doesn’t achieve that 2″ opening. Are there any prefab alternatives available that do? If not, is there one that gets close? Thanks.

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  1. Torsten Hansen||#1

    你最好的选择可能是纸板挡板。的y are stapled to the rafters rather than the deck, which gives you the flexibility to pick any gap size you want. Available through insulation supply houses.

  2. Milan Jurich||#2

    Thanks Torsten ... makes sense ... attach to the sides to set the gap ... in this case to 2".

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