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PV shingles?

Dan Kolbert| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

I have a client who is interested in PV shingles. Not sure why, but I told him I’d look into it. Has anyone used any product recently? Pros & cons? The obvious con seems to be repairs and damage.

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  1. Robert Post S.E. Pennsylvania Zone 4a||#1

    Here is a link to our blog which provides an overview of the SunEnergy PV shingle:
    I was happy with the product and installation, and a redundant underlayment system is required and necessary for fire code and weather resistance.

    I have a Certainteed PV shingle project coming up, but have not experienced their product yet.

  2. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#2

    Dan, the absolute basics;

    One pro- Your customer will get PV that looks more like shingles and less like a standard PV array.

    One con- all all other variables favor standard panels.

    So ask your client if they want the look as that is all you need to know. If yes, put em on.

    For me, never.

  3. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#3


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