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我的房子有60年的历史了。我已经挖了地下室地板的周长(25 ' x 35 ')。排瓦沟深23″,宽18″至24″。都被锯断了。我还锯掉了新的主下水管道的中心和45度以上(wye)的HVAC设备排水管。沿着墙壁和角落是其他新的排水管,洗衣机排水管和浴室粗糙。我有两个大的开放区域,一个是4 ' x 12 ',另一个是6 ' x 8 '。现有的混凝土厚度不一。好的平均厚度约为2.5″厚。很多都是2″。 The new concrete will be 3″ or 4′ thick. I want to use 3/8 rebar in the two large open areas and a heavy flat 6 x 6 wire in the trenches. My thought was to doll 3/8 rebar in the foundation wall for the entire perimeter, 3″ to 4″ into existing concrete wall with a 6″ stick-out. Dowels for the existing floor concrete are 1/4″ tapcons. All rebar areas on 24″ centers, 18″ centers for wire mesh. For interior ditches: I can use a 2 1/4″ Tapcon not fully screwed into existing floor concrete, 1 1/4″ into existing floor concrete with a one inch stick-out. Tie wire mesh to one inch stick-out on one side of ditch and wire tie to opposite side also with a one inch Tapcon stick -out. In the large open areas: using all 3/8″ rebarb, my thought was to use one 1 1/2″ Tapcon through a piece of 1/4 x 1/4 x 1 1/2″ aluminum angle 1 1/2″ long ( I have plenty) screwed to existing concrete floor. Set the 3/8 rebar on the 1 1/2″ long aluminum angle and wire tie it off. The other end of the rebar tied to the 6″ 3/8 rebar stick-out from foundation wall. Open areas with 3/8 rebar I will install 3/8 rebar in opposite direction and tie for 24′ squares. For perimeter ditches: Tie 6 x 6 wire mesh to the 2 1/4″ Tapcons with a one stick out from existing floor concrete. Tie opposite side of 6 x 6 wire mesh to 3/8 rebar with 6″ stick-out from foundation wall.
你觉得呢?我想通过使用网格和钢筋来减少裂缝。另一个问题是Tapcons和/或铝角将只有一英寸的新混凝土覆盖层,因为有2英尺到2 1/2英尺的60年混凝土地板。



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  1. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒||# 1


  2. scoutingeuropa||#2


  3. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒||# 3





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