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Registry of net-zero homes?

Lucyna De Barbaro| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Is there a database or registry for net zero energy homes in US? I tried to ask the question of our HERS rating provider, Resnet, but so far have not heard anything back. HERS index for our home is 35 before PV, and -8 after PV. While we did not live in the house for the whole year yet, it looks like we will likely meet 12 month zero energy balance. I would be glad to call our house net-zero, and be registered/recorded somewhere as such.
On the web, I find the following:
Several organizations offer formal net zero energy certification programs:
Earth Advantage provides Zero Energy and Zero Ready Home Certifications in locations where Earth Advantage green certification is offered.
The Living Building Challenge offers nationwide Net Zero Energy Building Certification.
Passive House Institute offers nationwide Passive House Certification.
The Department of Energy has a Zero Energy Ready Certification.
The Canadian Home Builders Association launched a Net Zero Energy Home Labeling Program that recognizes homes that reach zero energy ready status, too.

Living Building Challenge asks for substantial $$ to be certified, and we already “Zero Energy Ready” and Passive House certified. Does not look like anything else applies in our region…


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I'm unaware of any such registry. Readers?

  2. John Semmelhack||#2

    It's not exactly a registry, but the Net Zero Energy Coalition attempts to conduct an annual survey of net-zero and near-net-zero homes in the U.S.

  3. Jon R||#3

    Someone should track something that matters much more - net zero carbon homes.

  4. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#4

    Take the Tour of Zero at the ZERH Program website. These are the homes that have won different awards at the annual EEBA event.
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