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Replacing a roof to enable solar panel installation

Miriam Chernoff| Posted inGeneral Questionson

我们正在考虑安装太阳能电池板。在奥德r to do that we’ll need a new roof as our current roof is 20 years old. We have no problems with the current roof. So this makes me a little nervous. We’re getting two estimates with GAF architectural shingles from companies with good reviews on Home Advisor. And we will be getting one from a roofer that uses CertainTeed who a friend told us about. One of the estimates is quite high, at $20000 for a roof on our 1300 sq foot Cape (and that does not include the garage). They propose to do a lot of things that sound good like cheek wall flashing in addition to normal things; The asphalt architectural shingles come with copper to prevent moss on our northern side; they also offer a 5 year labor warranty as well as a 50 year GAF warranty. Two years ago we had an estimate of $6000 for the same roof, but not including these extra things. It came with a 1-yr labor warranty. Both wanted to install a ridge vent. We just insulated our roof (last year) with MassSave so that the sloping walls of the Knee Wall areas are insulated with cellulose and foam board as well as the small true attic with cellulose and the floors of the knee walls. The company with the high estimate proposes to install edge vents as well as a ridge vent. We just saw the Green Builders video on venting attics and that seemed to suggest that we really need sofit vents. But given how we insulated our attic, I’m wondering if this makes sense and if we should ask for them. So my questions are:
1) Does a ridge vent make sense? (We currently have two roof vents, one is a mushroom vent which the MassSave contractor installed.)
2) Should we consider installing sofit vents? Or even, can we?
3) Is it worth pursuing the high estimate proposal?
4) What is a reasonable price range and is there an argument for going with the high end proposal because of quality and warranty?
5) Any other helpful suggestions in choosing a roofer?
6) Is it really better to go with the architectural shingles over the basic 3-tab shingles?
Thanks, very much, in advance for your help.

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  1. Mike Krzesowiak||#1

    Hi Miriam, thanks for including all the details. I will weight on on the questions that I can adequately answer.

    1) Does a ridge vent make sense? (We currently have two roof vents, one is a mushroom vent which the MassSave contractor installed.)
    Yes, ridge vents make sense and it would be a good time to do it while the roof is being replaced. You can also use standard static roof vents, you’ll just need to make sure you have enough for your vented attic. And request that the roofer only install them on the north slopes of your roof (where you won’t have solar panels) to ensure they won’t interfere with your solar system.

    If the north slopes of your house face the street/front of the home, a ridge vent is a great idea because it’s more hidden and then you won’t have unsightly vents visible from the front of your house.

    2) Should we consider installing sofit vents? Or even, can we?

    Absolutely! You have got to have them (and a lot of them) in order for your vented attic to work correctly ensuring that there will be enough airflow. Often times I will see a lot of older style homes that have one or two soffit vents per side of the house, this is nowhere near enough. You want more air flow, which means more vents.

    3) Is it worth pursuing the high estimate proposal?

    Maybe... it depends upon what matters most to you and what you value (more on that in question 6 answer)

    6) Is it really better to go with the architectural shingles over the basic 3-tab shingles?

    Have you considered a metal roof?
    While it is a typically twice as expensive, it will last twice as long. Moreover, they can be recycled at the end of their life cycle. Steel is a very easy material to recycle. Asphalt shingles are not so easily recycled - though they can be - the infrastructure to do so is pretty nonexistent.

  2. Miriam Chernoff||#2

    Mike- Thank you very much for your reply to my questions. I don't think we have a budget for a metal roof but that's an interesting idea. Given the way we insulated our knee wall areas I'm still a little confused about the sofit vents and how they would work but I'll ask the roofers about them. Let's see if we get any other ideas also. In the meantime, thank you!!!

  3. Charles Campbell||#3

    When you say you don't have the budget for a metal roof, have you considered the savings on your solar panel installation? Standing seams mean you don't need to install racking.

  4. Tom May||#4

    Or locate your panels on the ground, if you have room, and forego the new roof.

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