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Salvaged ash lumber? – Emerald ash borer damaged trees

Andrew Bater| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

Last year I promised some pictures of Emerald Ash Borer tree damage; I recently stumbled upon the images I had selected, but never posted.

Attached are images of the insect damage on a log and standing tree. Also an image of one of the clues that an ash tree is in trouble, marks from pileated woodpeckers hammering away at it.

Ash doesn’t come to mind as a common building product. However, with such significant numbers of ash trees now standing dead, maybe that will change?

(Probably will be hard to get a decent baseball bat down the road…)

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    There are lots of resources on the web on this topic. This is perhaps the best:
    Emerald Ash Borer Information Network: Wood Use Options

    There are plenty of news stories, too:

    City of Peterborough selling wood saved from Emerald Ash Borer

    Hamilton furniture maker wants to use ash borer wood, city says NO

    -- Martin Holladay

  2. Brendan Albano||#2

    Thanks for sharing!

    This company does some pretty cool urban forestry in Chicago:

    I've been able to buy beetle-kill ash at think it was milled by horigan) and made myself a nice little stool and some cutting boards.

    It's good to put the wood to use!

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