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Sealing Brick Veneer…or not?

John Walls|发布了General Questions


1) Do I need to do this? Why did it leak at first and now it doesn’t? The mortar wasn’t fully cured at the time of the initial leakage—would that make a difference?

2) Separate, but related issue—–My painter suggested that I spray a sealer on the brick veneer of the entire house to seal it off and save the white mortar from discoloring over time. Would eliminating the permeability of the brick (on the walls of the house) create drying problems to the outside, or is the air gap sufficient to handle any moisture load seeking to escape to the exterior? I’ve read EEBA literature suggesting that painting brick is a bad idea (for lots of reasons). Spraying on a sealer seems to be akin to painting the brick.

HH climate —zone 2B. 2×6 walls, plywood exterior sheathing, 1″ gap, brick veneer, oc spf insulation, non-vented attic.

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  1. GBA Editor

    Can you provide more information on the construction of your chimney? If I understand correctly, your chimney construction consists of a metal flue surrounded by masonry blocks. Is that correct?

    Do I understand correctly that the bricks do not extend from the footing to the chimney top (as for a traditional brick chimney) -- rather, the bricks begin in the attic. Is that correct?

    My guess is that your chimney was never flashed properly. Brick veneer always leaks, so flashing is required to direct the water that leaks through the brick veneer to the exterior. Your chimney probably needs a type of flashing called "through-chimney flashing." For more information, see this article:Keeping Water Out of Brick Veneer.

  2. John Walls||#2

    1)。没有金属烟道。这是一个isokern模块化砌体壁炉。它从预制块组装在网站上。烟囱有一个内部和外部的块 - 我假设出于安全原因。
    2) The chimney bricks do not start at slab level. They begin at a brick ledge just below the roof line. The brick ledge is cast into a special masonry block at that elevation. So the brick ledge is visible in the attic.
    3)The flashing consists of sheet metal inserted into saw cuts in the brick, and then caulked. The saw cuts in the brick are 1/2" to 3/4" deep. So this is definitely not a through-chimney flashing. This is pretty much the standard for my area----not to say it's right, but that's how its being done.
    5) As I said, it's not leaking anymore (at least not at the brick ledge or any other place that I can detect). Why do you think that is?
    6) See attached photos. Note that leakage is coming from between brick and brick ledge. This was after a fairly light, but sustained rain about a week after the bricks were set. The photo was taken prior to spraying in the roof insulation.

  3. GBA Editor

    The problem you describe is common. Few roofers and few masons understand how to flash brick chimneys.

    砖贴面始终泄漏 - 水通常在雨后沿着砖的背面跑下来 - 所以如果没有闪烁的系统,那么旨在将水从屋顶线上的外部驶出,那么当然是水将进入你的房子。

    You have three choices;



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