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Siding failure issue, climate zone 5B / 6B, north central Colorado.

Joe Sweeney| Posted inGeneral Questionson

22 year old home, T1-11 wood siding failing (cupping, delaminating, peeling away). T1-11 is siding over 1/2″ blueboard over 2 X 4 framing (16″ o.c.), with blown-in cellulose insulation, 1/2″ sheetrock inside. Can I cut out damaged sections of siding, patch back in with OSB or 1 by roughsawn, then 15# roofing felt, then corrugated metal low and traditional stucco above? Dry, windy climate, intense sun, low interior humidity, limited budget. Any thoughts / suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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  1. Kevin Dickson, MSME||#1

    It sounds like a good plan. You're using the repaired T-111 as the sheathing, and adding a good rainscreen. Just make sure the T-111 is at least 6" above grade everywhere, and install a z-flashing strip at the stucco/metal joint that will kick out any water running behind the stucco.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    我认为t - 111 t大约5/8英寸hick. If I'm right, you can't patch the damaged T-111 with 1-inch rough-sawn boards. You have to patch it with 5/8-inch exterior plywood or more T-111.

    If you want your wall to perform well, you want to pay attention to airtightness when making your repairs. If possible, seal all seams between the T-111 panels and the repaired areas with a high quality tape like Siga Wigluv.

    I understand that you have a limited budget, but you should still know that stucco can be a tricky cladding to install. For more information on potential stucco problems, seeTo Install Stucco Right, Include an Air Gap.

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