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问候GBA成员-我正在为南加州的一些单户新建筑项目做一系列的基础装配图。我们正在开发整体板级细节和爬行空间细节,但我们希望更多地使用SOG细节,因为这在我们的领域是一个更经济的解决方案。我们相对宽容的气候(就目前而言!)使我们很难说服客户自愿超过第24章和规范的最低绝缘要求,但尽管如此,我们总是鼓励他们这样做(可能很快就会坚持这样做)。我希望对这两个集会有一些“群众来源”的反馈,这是基于各种来源的建议,如GBA, BSC, Fine Homebuilding, JLC, Matt Risinger视频等。我不告诉你所有的规格,但要宽泛地说:包层将是James Hardie纤维水泥,带有雨帘(顶部和底部是CoraVent和1×3板条);蒸汽屏障将是StegoCrawl或StegoHome(分别);护套将是Huber 's Zip;2″刚性绝缘可以是箔面能量屏蔽PolyIso(如图所示)或岩棉舒适板,或EPS;地基防水将可能是polywall的主要延伸与Arroyo排水板。对于SOG,我们将在平板和2×4枕木(在公寓上)之间设置额外的10mil蒸汽屏障,上面是“浮动”的AdvanTech地板和工程木地板。 Sill plate to concrete sealing would be handled with Contega HF acoustic sealant above and below a foam seal and then Prosoco R-Guard joint and seam filler on the outside face. We recognize the ripped sill we show between wall and foundation rigid insulation slightly short-circuits the thermal break, but we want the detail to be adaptable if a client approves the wall rigid but wants to omit the foundation rigid. In particular, on the slab-on-grade detail I am hoping for some feedback in terms of the relationship between the slab-edge exterior rigid insulation and the waterproofing and drainage board (not yet depicted). If the rigid insulation is to go on the outside of the drainage board, it seems it would no longer be coplanar with the 2″ rigid insulation at the wall sheathing, unless I used something like 1 1/2″ thick instead? Where would you recommend the drainage board go? Outside of the rigid perhaps? Thank you in advance for any feedback you are willing to share!



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