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Spray Foam in Cathedral Ceiling and Attic Floor Joists question (New Construction)

朱塞佩m|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

We are now in the Insulation phase, and the builder just told me what the insulation company is planning to do around the home.

I have read a lot of articles on GBA and other websites about Open/Closed Cell and techniques but apparently what they just told me seems to be the opposite of what I found on this site.


Exterior walls (2×4): 3 1/2″ of Open Cell



地下室(浇注混凝土和2×4):3 1/2开放式牢房

如果我错了,请纠正我,但他们真的很困惑我。For what I’ve read online, it seems that on both Cathedral Ceilings and Basement walls the standard is Closed Cell because it’s a vapor barrier, so when I mentioned it they said that I can run a perm test on my basement walls, which I find ridiculous because this is a brand new home, and the moisture level could be different in 5 years from now.

Same with the Cathedral Ceilings, they said that if I Install the ventilation channels I will not have any moisture issues caused by condensation.

I also seriously don’t like the idea of having all that blown cellulose in the roof, it’s an unfinished space but at the same time I don’t want it to be messy, you never know if an animal find its way in there and also the cellulose is not water proof.



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  1. 大卫·梅兰德(David Meil​​and)||#1


    I'd tell these guys to stop the presses completely until you decide how you want it handled.

  2. 朱塞佩m||#2


    They are using SEAL PRO 500 Spray Foam Insulation.

  3. 大卫·梅兰德(David Meil​​and)||#3

    I'm in zone 4a in WA state and the requirement is R-21, so almost all walls are 2x6.


    Alternatively, go with closed cell in the walls and get roughly R-21.


  4. 丹尼尔·莫里森(Daniel Morrison)||#4

    It might be difficult to convince them to add exterior foam -- unfortunately, it is still pretty radical in many parts of the US.

    这可能是隔离墙壁的最佳方法 - 螺柱托架中的外部泡沫和纤维素。


    Cellulose is a great choice for the attic, though if the ducts are up there, you should consider moving the insulation up to the roof. See this article://

  5. 朱塞佩m||#5


    What I'm really trying to figure out is why would they tell me to use open cell in the basement and cathedral ceilings when on this site and other sites, all I've read is the opposite (closed cell)?

  6. Torsten Hansen||#6


    您询问为什么您的安装程序建议在大多数区域推荐开放式泡沫。答案仅仅是它比闭孔泡沫便宜 - 如果您的预算允许,我相信他会很乐意喷涂您的规格。

    We install foam insulation in zone 5 and have used both open and closed cell in roof decks for years with very good results. Venting is nice but not required, especially since your painted drywall will form an interior vapor retarder.

    Below grade, we prefer to spray about 2 inches of closed cell foam because of its moisture tolerant properties. At 2 inches, the perm rating is around 0.6, which will allow some drying to the inside. If you never have an issue with excessive foundation moisture, open cell foam will work fine.

    不需要将一英寸的闭合牢房放在阁楼地板上。您想要空气屏障中有孔的泡沫,例如在内墙和固定装置上,但是即使没有泡沫涂层,一片干墙也是完美的空气屏障。纤维素作为阁楼绝缘效果很好。我们吹18英寸,R-60。与全泡沫系统相比,这节省了房屋所有者的钱,可以更好地使用其他地方的升级选择 - 例如,在2x4墙中,闭孔泡沫到R-20。

    Thank you for choosing foam and good luck with your new home!

  7. 朱塞佩m||#7


  8. Torsten Hansen||#8

    You are welcome Giuseppe. The vent channels will remove any lingering worries you might have about moisture control with the open cell foam and either will work well. Other than cost, I don't think that there is any advantage to using open cell over closed cell but if you can achieve the r-value that you are after with the lower cost product, why not use it?



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