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Stucco over SIPs: rainscreen necessary? Installation tips?

Claire Anderson| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

We’d like to have a stucco finish over SIPs, but area stucco contractors seem stumped by the SIPs.

I’m wondering what’s required:

vapor barrier?
rainscreen construction?

Is acrylic stucco or a lime-based stucco better?


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  1. Michael Chandler||#1

    We just did a stucco over OSB double wall construction and the stucco method we used for the OSB should work for the SIPS. Send me an E-mail to[email protected]and I'll send you some photos and other resources from the Jacksonville Florida building inspections department that I found to be very helpful.

    All the best


  2. Michael Chandler||#2

    Claire. I was wondering if your spam filter ate my responses to your e-mail. Let me know if you received the images. Michael

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