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Tradeoffs of passive heating and cooling strategies

GBA Editor|发布了能源效率和耐用性

Has there been any conclusive research done on how to negotiate the tradeoffs of passive heating and cooling strategies based on climate and location? Most specifically, should things such as light-colored roofs and minimal east- and west-facing windows be done in all climates in the U.S. or does it depend on whether or not your climate is predominantly heating or cooling. I have heard both positions from different building science experts.
If anyone has numbers to back up their opinion, that would be greatly appreciated!

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  1. GBA Editor

    If you spend more money to heat your house during the winter than you do to cool the house during the summer — as most Americans do — then you're better off with a dark-colored roof, not a "cool roof." The only exception would be if you made the mistake of putting HVAC equipment and ductwork in your attic. (I hope you didn't make this mistake.)


    凉爽的屋顶是电动实用高管的宠物,因为酷屋顶有助于公用事业地址达到峰值负荷问题。这就是为什么公用事业高管经常有运动,以鼓励凉爽的屋顶,即使在供暖气候中也是如此。公用事业管理人员希望在炎热的夏季下午较小的峰值负荷。凉爽的屋顶帮助 - 但每年都在冬季增加房主的加热负荷,房主是净失败者。

  2. Doug McEvers||#2



  3. 凯伦·雷||#3

    I would think that this decision can't just be made on whether you spend more on heating and cooling because the effects of the summer and winter sun can't be split 50/50.

  4. GBA Editor

    你是对你的问题的准确,详细的答案取决于许多变量,所以没有简单的答案。你已经做出了一个重要的观点 - 太阳角(以及每天的太阳小时数)从冬天变为夏天。影响计算的其他要点:
    3. What is the R-value of your ceiling insulation?

    These calculations get complicated fast.

    Here's a takeaway point: the better your thermal envelope, the more irrelevant the cool-roof-versus-warm-room question becomes. If you have a tight envelope and thick insulation, it really doesn't matter.

  5. Riversong||#5


    As Martin suggested, there are far too many variables to answer that question in general. it can, however, be answered for a specific site and a specific house design.

    Relevant variables include: site topography, natural (or other) shading, percent cloudy days during each season, height of house, orientation of house, angle of roof, type and mass of roofing, limit of thermal boundary (ceiling or roof), whether the roof is vented or not (and how well).

    Minimizing East and West window area may be more important to prevent overheating in the winter than in the summer, depending on latitude. Remember that it is at the equinoxes (swing or shoulder seasons) that the sun rises and sets in the East and West. In summer, it can rise 30° or more to the South of East and will be about 50° high in the sky by the time it's due East. In the winter, the sun rises 30° or so North of East and remains low in the sky all day, shining more directly into windows.

    As others have stated, cool roofs are important for hot, sunny climates and ventilating those roofs also helps except in the most humid marine climates. But a cooler color of asphalt composition shingles will provide more longevity to the roof anywhere. Dark asphalt roofing shrinks and cracks from over-absorption of radiant solar heat.

  6. Riversong||#6

    Edit (when are we going to get an edit function?):

    My post should read: Summer sun rises North of East and winter sun rises South of East .

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