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Water-blown closed cell SPF

Robert Pinto| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Is water-blown (or non-HFC blown) closed cell spray polyurethane foam (SPF) available?

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1


    Icynene's MD-R200 is a 2 lb foam, R5.1/inch, 1.3perms @ 3".

    The higher permeance is due to a higher open-cell fraction, so they've recently been re-classifying it as open cell, but it's often a better choice for moisture control than low-permenace 2lb spray polyurethane (typically 1.2 perms @ 1"). It's still an order of magnitude lower permeance than half-pound polyurethane.

    Aloha Energy has a whole suite of low-permeance closed cell polyurethane at different densities, all water blown.

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