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What insulated window covering would you recommend in The Blue Zone?

Edward Krause|Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

We live in a small (675sq. ft), tight, well-insulated house with many south facing window in west central Wisconsin. Our double paned, argon gas filled south facing windows heat the house for 10 hrs. on sunny days, even on below zero days. Of course, the windows lose much heat at night. We have in-slab hydronic heat running on off-peak electric through a 10kw micro-boiler, usually running at a water temp of 93-102 frht., which is very comfortable.




  1. riolsong.||#1

    I wouldn't try to make them. The only insulating window coverings that are effective slide in tracks so that they are air-tight. Otherwise convective loops can cause greater heat loss than if there were no coverings.

    除非你的技能足以做出像这样的东西窗口被子, I would recommend purchasing them.

  2. 迪伦艾德||#2

    I have read about insulated interior thermal shutters several times, typically made from luan and foam board. If someone was skilled and thoroughly detailed about weatherstripping, could these offer another solution? I have no direct experience with this method and would like to hear from those who have had experience.

  3. Edward Krause||#3



  4. 约翰赫斯||#4

    In the past I've put 2" EXP or Polyiso foam boards into windows at night for insulation. They did provide good insulation, but because they were not airtight the window glass often chilled below the freezing point, frost formed, then melted in the sun, which created the unintended consequence of water puddles on the windows sill. So I'm still looking for a good window insulation scheme.

  5. r||#5
  6. 威廉李||#6

    Does anyone have any experience with these tracks? All things being equal, what are the relative merits of the full quilt designs vs. the double cellulars?

  7. riolsong.||#7



  8. Jerry Crone||#8

    另一个选择是使用移动室内脑岛ted covers, which are installed and removed by a quarter turn of a removable crank. The complete instructions to make them are located at。优势是(1)良好的R值(9 - 16);(2)密封良好;(3)您无需修改​​窗口框架。

  9. Garth Sploule 7B.||#9


  10. 谢尔伍德伯斯福德||#10





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