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What is the equivalent of Canadian Tuck Tape in the US?

Larry Burks| Posted inGeneral Questionson

My window manufacturer, AccurateDorwin, recommends the use of Tuck Tape to seal the window flanges to the sheathing. We’re using Zip sheathing and zip tape. Is Zip Tape equivalent to Tuck Tape?

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  1. Riversong||#1

    Odd that they would recommend a brand rather than a type of tape. But Venture sheathing tape is one of the common versions in the US (most lumberyards around here carry some version of "red tape"). They're all, I believe, polypropylene tapes with acrylic adhesives.

    But, if you're using the Zip system, Huber will not warranty it without using their own tape. And there are a number of incompatibilities between various building materials and the several varieties of flashing tapes on the market.

    So it's caveat emptor for the user, particularly the contractor who is responsible for knowing the liabilities and limits of materials used.

    Speaking of which, it is difficult to imagine that any kind of tape will serve as a permanent weather barrier for the life of a house, which is one of the several liabilities of the Zip system without supplemental WRB, and also a liability of any of the polymeric WRBs which require slitting and taping over flanged windows.

    许多原因之一我喜欢美好# 15的感受over breatheable sheathing, which uses the millennial-old practice of shingling downward to prevent water infiltration, and which doesn't trap liquid water on the backside like all the plastic wraps will do.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    As far as I know, "tuck tape" is not a brand -- it's Canadian slang for housewrap tape. (If any Canadians out there know different, let me know.)

    There are many other names for this type of tape, including contractors' tape and builders' tape.

    For more information on tapes, check outAir-Sealing Tapes and Gaskets.

    Most builders prefer to use flexible flashing (a peel-and-stick product make of rubberized asphalt or butyl) for flashing windows, not housewrap tape.

  3. Andrew Henry||#4


    Tuck tape is a Canadian manufacturer of tapes and they make the red contractor's sheathing tape that we are all familiar with north of the border.

    The Venture tape is the same (similar) stuff as Tuck tape. My local material supplier stocks the Venture tape, it's interchangeable.

    In a nutshell, Tuck Tape is to Kleenex as Red Sheathing tape is to paper tissues!

    Confusingly, Tuck Tape for some people also refers to the tape used for hockey sticks, or the tape used to secure shin pads.



  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#5

    Thanks, Robert! I learned something. Tuck Tape is evidently a brand of tape manufactured by Canadian Technical Tape Ltd., Montreal, Quebec.

  5. Raff||#6

    TuckTape is NOT the same as Venture Tape. They're both red :) but Venture tape uses stronger glues, is thicker and more UV resistant. After trying both, I will only use Venture. It's harder to find in Canada, but it's worth the effort IMO

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