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What is your recommendation for a design software package for a six unit seniors development.

Anthony Ratliffe| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Using Ross Chapin’s Pocket Neighborhood philisophy, we want to work up conceptual designs for both a row house and for separate small units.

My computer is a PC running Windows 7.

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  1. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#1

    If you are intending to build high performance homes, designing them is not something you just pick-up on a box and draw lines. One needs to consider solar design, dimension, proportion, function, structural, HVAC systems, materials and many more variables all at the same time; doing so, will determine whether your design is successful or not. You can reduce energy and maintenance costs considerably just by design. Working with a true professional designer with experience in high performing homes, can save you a lot of money not only in the design and construction process, but once you consider a life-cost analysis, it’ll pay-off by itself.
    I should add that very often I meet with clients with a home design that was never planned to be a high-performing house and they want me to “green it”, a task that is always too expensive to do or impossible. In my opinion they wasted a lot of money before they even start.

  2. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#2

    Sketchup is free and easier to learn than some. Very powerful tool. To learn there are great teaching videos on the web. You may or may not be able to hurdle the learning curve. It helps to know exactly at least all the details of version 1. Armando is right that most could not design such a project one time well. You want to and that's a great start.

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