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Where to buy EPS foam (25 psi, termite-treated) for use under a concrete slab in West Virginia?

Chris B| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

If someone could assist me it would be much appreciated. I have spent several days calling and searching the net. I am building a house with a large basement using superior walls. I want to insulate under the slab with 2 inches of eps foam but I cannot find anyone near that sells it. I want eps not xps. The house is being built near Charleston wv. I would not care to drive 1-2 hours to pick it up, but would like to find a company that could deliver it to the construction site. Closest I could find was a 6 hr drive and they would not deliver. Thanks for any help.

By the way I was amazed no one in my area seems to know anything about insulating under slabs…?
I finally found one guy who did.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    The only method for treating EPS to resist termites (as far as I know) is the PerformGuard system. EPS that has been treated with PerformGuard is offered by two manufacturers (AFM Corp. and Rmax); I suggest that you contact them and ask about distributors in West Virginia:

    24000 West Highway 7
    Excelsior, MN 55331
    Fax: 612-474-2074

    Rmax, Inc.
    13524 Welch Rd.
    Dallas, TX 75244-5219
    Fax: 972-387-4673
    [email protected]

  2. John Semmelhack||#2

    Try Mid-Atlantic Foam ( They have a facility in Winchester, VA (~4.5 hours away from Charleston). They sell under the R-Control brand and offer the PerformGuard system Martin mentioned above.

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