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Where to recycle drywall scraps from a new build in San Diego, CA?

Nancy Fortune| Posted inGeneral Questionson

My family owns a hauling company and we are new to the construction sites. We have a large job coming up in which we are hauling away only drywall. I’m always interested in recycling materials we haul in order to keep costs down and to keep items out of the landfill. When I started looking into recycling scrap drywall I found many obstacles. Is there any place to take cut pieces of new drywall in southern California (San Diego)?

Thank you for your time, Jill

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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1

    Does your landfill still accept drywall? None of them here have for a decade or more. It has to be separated and re-cycled.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Through the miracle of Google, I found this facility:EDCO Construction, Demolition and Inert Recycling Facility, San Marcos, California.

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