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Why Not Pile On The R-Value Even in Climate Zone 3?


Often I have clients with “problem” rooms (too hot/too cold/inconsistent temp with respect to rest of house). The first step is always air sealing but I have the tendency to pile on (R-60+) the fiberglass insulation. We live in DOE climate zone 3 (Dallas, TX) and the ORNL calculator (表示阁楼的R-49。在这些问题室(R-60+,22-24英寸)上倒玻璃纤维绝缘材料是愚蠢的事情吗?谢谢你。

GBA Prime


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  1. David Meiland||#1

    We pour it on like that here in 4 marine and I think R-60+ in the attic is the right thing to do. Once you are set up and blowing, the extra stuff is very cheap and will pay dividends as long as the building is there. We have gotten a surprising amount of positive feedback from clients who we've done this for, folks who were previously not really tuned into insulation and air-sealing as important steps. They like the comfort and stable temperatures.

  2. 兰迪·勒索姆||#2

    Thank You Armando for your comments. I think you are exactly right and I might even add to the "doing things on the cheap" list - poor performing windows. The challenge is how does the humble insulation (or even general) contractor help these people in a cost effective manner.

  3. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#3

    Aren’t you glad I gave you the short answer?

  4. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#4


  5. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#5

    要添加的另一点是:在所有可用的绝缘类型中,松散的玻璃纤维最不可能按预期执行,因为它是如此蓬松且可渗透。通常,您必须安装价值“ R-60”的玻璃纤维,以使其与R-40纤维素一样。

  6. David Meiland||#6

    So Armando, how much attic insulation do you think is correct? You are correct that HVAC equipment is often a big problem, but you also mention envelope and insulation problems. It sounds to me like he is improving envelope and insulation with what he is doing. What are you recommending, assuming he can't get the customer to buy a complete HVAC rebuild?

  7. Expert Member
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#7



    Then during the heating season the high air permeability of fiberglass causes it to give up some performance to convection currents within the fiberglass- the warmed air at the ceiling bubbles up to the top, to be displaced by cooler denser air from above.


  8. Robert Hronek||#8




  9. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#9

    Design retrofits are a different animal, but I always recommend starting with an Energy Analysis. It gives me a chance to educate the homeowner on how to do the job right. Sealing the building envelope and encapsulating the HVAC system, in a ventilated attic, is a priority; and it maybe easier, and cost less, to condition the attic.

  10. JoeW N GA Zone 3A||#10

    @ David, Armando


    Both guys recommend I pile the fg back on; one explained that the humidity might cause some issues for the cellulose, and it's more expensive/inch here. Assuming the budget remains the same and the target is high effective R-value, would you prefer on top of spray foam --



  11. 迈克尔·钱德勒||#11

    Armando is spot on. I consulted on one house in Fort Worth TX that was Energy Star certified and has gotten acceptable blower door numbers (it was a very large volume house so E-star acceptable blower door at 6 ACH-50 was pretty easy to achieve) but significantly there had never been a duct blaster test done. The owners complaint was about excessive dust in the home, they weren't complaining about comfort or cost. They had analyzed the dust and it was cellulose.

    建造者最终进行了弹簧进行鼓风机测试,而爬网空间中的返回空气导管正在通过基础通风孔拉动割草机剪接,并将其分配在家具上。显然,这也使热交换器装满了潮湿和发霉的割草机,从而影响了HVAC系统的室内空气质量,能源成本以及舒适性 /湿度性能。

    Adding more insulation to the attic would not have been part of the solution. It's important to start with an audit that includes both a blower door test and a duct blaster test. Many energy audits don't include a duct blaster test as it involves sealing off all the ducts and can be time consuming to perform. Calculating duct leakage from a blower door test is no substitute.

  12. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#12

    Cellulose is hygroscopic, but I do not know of high humidity affecting its performance; other than rain/leak wetting. Assuming you do not have the HVAC system in the attic, I do like vacuuming all existing insulation, installing the 2” CC foam and then pack the rest of cellulose to meet R38 or more.
    Perhaps Allison, Carl, Michael or John Tooley know more about that issue in your neck of the woods.

  13. 迈克尔·钱德勒||#13


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