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Wondering about using foil-faced polyisocyanurate foam board between studs in a basement sauna project

John Moffet| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

Wondering about using foil-faced polyisocyanurate foam board between studs in a basement sauna project.
Should I worry about off-gassing?
Is this safe?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    If you want to insulate between the studs, you should probably choose fiberglass batts or mineral wool batts.

    If you want to install polyisocyanurate foam, you should install the foam as a continuous layer, on one side of the stud wall, rather than cutting the polyiso into thin strips and inserting the strips between the studs.

    Of course, you could do both -- you could install batts between the studs as well as a continuous layer of polyiso on one side of the studs.

    In any case, I don't think you have to worry about off-gassing. The polyiso should be covered with a layer of 1/2-inch gypsum wallboard in any case for fire safety. You can cover the gypsum drywall with cedar boards if you want.

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