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Rebar made of basalt rock offers a lower-carbon alternative to steel

Currently, you will find two types of rebar: steel rebar and composite (non-metal) rebar. Composite rebar is made from carbon fiber, fiberglass, or basalt. Carbon fiber has a prohibitive cost (from $40/kg), making it impractical for most applications. Fiberglass has performance limitations and a higher environmental impact than basalt, which is also the most durable of the three materials. Photo courtesy of Basanite Industries, LLC.

很少有建筑商能够深入绿化其建筑实践,以至于包括钢筋,但是对于那些这样做的人,Basaflex BFRP Rebar提供了更可持续和防锈的替代方案。该产品由丰富的火山岩制成。根据巴萨尼特工业(Basanite Industries)的发言人弗雷德·廷伯格(Fred Tingberg)的说法,他们的混凝土增强件是“大约是钢的重量和两倍半的重量。”强大的是,他的意思是材料具有两倍以上的钢的拉伸强度。同时,它具有基于矿物质的,具有类似于混凝土的热系数,避免了由于混凝土和钢的膨胀速率不同而导致冻融周期中形成的应力裂纹。非腐蚀性玄武岩钢筋在游泳池,海墙和沿海建筑中很受欢迎。


Basalt, the main ingredient of BasaFlex, is an igneous rock formed from the cooling of lava. It has a high content of magnesium and iron. Among the most common minerals on earth, it represents 90% of all volcanic rock on our planet. The Romans used basalt in their construction. The Pantheon’s basalt-supported roof remains the world’s largest unsupported concrete dome 2000 years after construction. The dense but resilient basalt aggregate incorporated into cylindrical walls provided the tensile strength necessary to hold the outward push of the dome’s weight like the “hoops of a barrel keep its wooden slats (or staves) together,” writes Alexander Hahn in his book到世界伟大建筑的数学游览.The Pantheon’s huge concrete foundation also contains basalt.

Bag of basalt fibers
Basanite also produces a line of basalt fibers used as a concrete additive.
reinforcing mesh
价钱:A bundle of 50 ft. (5 10-ft. bars) of 5/8 (6 mm) basalt rebar costs $49.95 at Concrete Exchange. While the reinforcing mesh (like WW mesh) is sold by the square yard for $11.55. And at Concrete Exchange, a 3-lb. bag of CX Basalt Concrete Reinforcement costs $34.95. Photo courtesy of Basanite Industries, LLC.

虽然是一种古老的建筑材料,但使用玄武岩制作钢筋只有9年的历史。该材料于2013年由Kodiak Rebar引入美国市场,是通过在1700°C的炉子中融化火成岩来制造的;然后,它通过吹灯丝形成长纤维,例如玻璃纤维是如何用硅酸盐岩制成的。与众不同fiberglass production,这需要丙酮和甲基酮过氧化物,玄武岩钢筋不含有毒的化学添加剂。根据Tingberg的说法,基于玄武岩的钢筋的钢含量小于1/10钢的碳足迹,而玄武岩在生命周期评估(LCA)(LCA)中的环境影响最低,与其他FRP(纤维增强聚合物)钢筋相比,它的环境影响最低,包括制造的钢筋。玻璃纤维。

Basalt rock

What makes it “green”

Basalt fiber qualifies as a sustainable material because its production involves less energy than the alternatives of fiberglass and steel. Each kilo of basalt fiber used in place of the corresponding amount of steel saves over 9kWh of primary energy. Basalt fiber is also a biocompatible material, which means it has no limitations to recycling. Unlike steel, basalt rebar and mesh do not require separation; the concrete can be recycled in a single treatment. It is also lighter weight, which lowers the carbon cost of transportation. [资源]

Manufacturing of basalt fibers
Basalt rebar is made from thousands of basalt fibers impregnated with an epoxy resin that polymerizes as it passes through the production line under elevated temperatures. The Basalt Engineering LLC production line for Bastech Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Rebar is shown here. The company sells a bundle of 10 8-ft. #4 (13 mm) bars for $40.32. Photo courtesy of manufacturer.

优点:玄武岩钢筋除了其绿色的真正,更轻松,更易于操纵,完全防锈和耐盐水。它还可以抵抗极端温度变化,紫外线和碱性环境。我们熟悉桥梁,挡土墙和建筑结构,这些结构在混凝土中裂解的锈迹渗出 - 揭示了嵌入式钢的结构恶化。基于玄武岩的纤维不会发生这种降解。耐用性是玄武岩钢筋在重型基础设施中最有力的论点。用钢筋用于桥梁的混凝土板的使用寿命预计将为25年。但是,使用FRP加固的面板的使用寿命至少为75年(Marek Urbanski等人,Procedia Engineering,第57卷,2013年,第1183–1191页)。

缺点:玄武岩钢筋比传统的钢钢筋更昂贵,玄武岩棒不能弯曲90°角;他们依靠配件来实现转弯。由于基于矿物质的材料不是导电的,因此不能用于巨大的地面。尽管具有很高的拉伸强度,但玄武岩杆与钢的弹性不符(75 vs. 200)。换句话说,横向方向上的玄武岩纤维强度与在纵向方向上非常高的电阻相比,较高的电阻限制了其在高层建筑中某些垂直结构元件中的使用 - 大多数房屋建筑商将永远不会遇到这一限制。




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