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Green Building News

Minnesota Students Win ‘Race to Zero’ Title


A team from the University of Minnesotasubmitted this entry in the Race to Zero competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. The "OptiMN Impact Home" won top honors.
Image Credit: DOE

A team of students from the University of Minnesota came up with the winning entry in this year’s Race to Zero competition with a 2,544-square-foot two-story house designed to be affordable as well as energy-efficient.

The OptiMN Impact Home was designed specifically for infill lots in North Minneapolis and meets both the Department of Energy’sZero Energy Ready Home标准和明尼阿波利斯市建立的计划称为绿色家园北。该项目是大学之间的合作Urban Homeworks,明尼阿波利斯的邻里开发计划。


DOEhas posted a full list of entries有关其网站的房屋的详细信息。

Housing for a hard-hit part of town

The university team targeted a vacant lot in a section of North Minneapolis that was struck by tornados in 2011 and also affected by the foreclosure crisis a few years earlier, according to a fact sheet distributed by the team. There are many vacant lots in the area where Green Homes North plans to build 100 energy-efficient homes.

The house is designed for a 40-foot-wide lot with its long axis aligned east-to-west, to make the most of solar gain. With most Minneapolis house lots running east-to-west, the team said, the design would be well suited to the area.

Among the features of the winning design are Energy Star appliances and windows, WaterSense low-flow plumbing fixtures, rainwater storage, LED lights, photovoltaic panels, low-VOC paints and finishes, and concrete made with fly ash.

成品总面积为1,696平方英尺,另外848平方英尺也可以完成。该设计包括三间卧室和1 1/2浴室(加上另一间卧室)。

Some of the details:

  • Foundation: The slab and footings are insulated to R-10, foundation walls to R-15. Moisture control comes with capillary breaks, a waterproof membrane, perimeter drainage, and a sealed sump.
  • 外墙:2×4螺柱墙体护套,带有玻璃纤维垫的螺柱之间的绝缘,并在外部绝缘,带有3英寸的挤出聚苯乙烯绝缘,用于R-32的总R值。
  • Windows:双窗格,低E单位,U-F值为0.27,太阳能热增益系数为0.20。
  • Roof: Vented truss construction with a clerestory; insulated to R-53 with a combination of rigid polyisocyanurate and fiberglass batts.
  • Mechanicals: For combined space and water heating, a Polaris condensing water heater plus a SEER 14 air-source heat pump. Heating and cooling distribution via forced-air ductwork.
  • Whole-house ventilation: Venmar energy-recovery ventilator.
  • 光伏系统:2410瓦PV面板,总额定容量为8.2千瓦,估计年产量为10,337千瓦时。用光伏,房子的得分为0。


One Comment

  1. Charlie Sullivan||#1

    Well done. XPS?
    This is a nice design. It's great that this competition aims for cost effectiveness and good design as well as energy efficiency, and it seems like a good design that balances the different objectives well.

    It's a little ironic that this design, using XPS, appears on the same day as an article telling us about how the XPS industry is dragging their feet, opposing efforts to reduce the global warming impact of their product. It's unfortunate that the design criteria for the competition were not broad enough to require considering that impact.

    I'm also curious about the choice of low SHGC windows. Was that really the best choice for this climate, or was it driven by the fact that the low-cost window manufacturer chosen doesn't offer a high SHGC option?


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